Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Welcome to Isaiah's Legacy BFF Blog Hop Stop # 3

1 Week ~ 24 Blogs ~ 3 Incredible Prizes!

Learn a little about Isaiah’s Legacy and enter multiple giveaways while picking up CLUES at each stop. Compile all the clues, submit the final PHRASE at the last stop, and you’ll be entered to win one of 3 Grand Prizes!

What are the prizes? They’re completely unique to the winners!

Mesu will contact each winner personally to chat about what they would most like to see in Israel, and then she’ll SHOP for just the right gift while touring Israel, March 6-19! She’ll then purchase a personal and memorable gift specifically chosen for each of those three winners and ship them to each one when she returns. How fun is that?!

How does the Scavenger Hunt & Blog Tour Work?

·         Begin at Stop #1

  Begin at Stop #1. At the end, you’ll find a CLUE and a link to the next stop. 
Progress to each stop IN ORDER.
Collect all the clues—in order—and submit the full phrase at the last blog stop in the 
Rafflecopter form. Every stop has a clue, so be sure not to skip any along the way!
You may enter as many giveaways on individual blogs as you like, but win only one.
You may enter the final giveaway only once and win only one grand prize.
The Hunt begins 2/19/20 at noon EDT. Deadline for entries is Tuesday, 02/25 at midnight Eastern
For best results, hunt through our list using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).

 Bookmark STOP #1

Hi, my name is Andi, and I've been a BFF for quite a few years. Mesu Andrews first biblical fiction novel Love Amid the Ashes was the first biblical book I read and I've been a huge fan ever since! 

I always love learning more about authors. Interviewing them is the best way to do that!

Remember there are lots of great FREE Resources and special offers for Isaiah’s Legacy right now. Check out the YouVersion Bible study of Isaiah's Legacy on the YouVersion app HERE

You can read my review HERE.

Q & A With a Google Curl

RL: What is the craziest thing you’ve Googled for a book?

Mesu: Isaiah’s Legacy has some pretty icky stuff in it because of the dark arts and astral magic, so I was careful not to Google too deeply into those areas (the surface research on that was crazy enough!). I Google things like, “what sound does a hoopoe bird make?” And “what is Iraq’s crop calendar (ancient Ecbatana)?” Probably my favorite research is on hair products. Curling irons go waaaaay back, y’all! And you don’t even want to know all Google has to tell you about eunuchs. So, so TMI! 

RL: EEKS! That's definitely TMI!!      


How do you decide what Bible story or character to write about? Is it a leading from God?

Mesu: I believe God absolutely leads in the decision about what I’ll write. But it’s not just me making that decision since I’ve always written for a traditional publisher. Those who self-publish (indie) can choose any character, any length, and any publication date. Because I partnered with Revell for my first four books and WaterBrook Multnomah for the last five, we make those decisions together. I usually propose two or three stories I’m excited about to my editor, and she becomes my champion, sharing my excitement with various committees until we get a consensus on which story (or stories) they want to contract. We fit their production schedule with my life schedule, and wah-lah! New releases are born!

RL: I love that! What Bible story or character would you like to write about but haven’t yet?

Mesu: I’m hoping to write about Joseph. Of course, I always write about the lesser-known women associated with these famous men, so which women I’ll write about still remains to be seen. We’re in that process of decision-making right now, so your prayers would be much appreciated!

RL: Joseph would be a great Bible character to write about. How do you relax during the process of writing a book? That is if you get the opportunity.

Mesu: I haven’t done a very good job of relaxing in the past, and it caused some serious issues—both with my health and in some important relationships. I’m working really hard to change that. Because of my chronic health issues, relaxing for me means . . . really resting. So Roy and I often watch a movie or take the grandkids for a special outing at the park or out to eat. Reading isn’t super relaxing—since I tend to read like an editor or reviewer instead of just a reader. Ugh. Going out to a movie is a real treat for me since I spend so much time at home in front of my laptop, and trying new restaurants is also at the top of our list. Honestly, I enjoy just about anything that involves time with family or my precious church friends.


Here’s the Stop # 3 Stuff: 

Clue to write down: Everything 
Enjoy the hunt!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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