Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday - Books I Need To Move Up On My TBR Pile

Happy Tuesday! Welcome to another edition of Top Ten Tuesday sponsored by The Artsy Reader Girl. The topic is books on my TBR that I'm avoiding and why. I spent Friday and Saturday going through books and organizing my bookcases, pictured below, and found books that I've purchased that need to be moved up on my TBR.

I need to read one of my own purchased books in between a book I'm reviewing. The problem, a review book arrives in the mail and goes on my review shelf,
pictured here. So, I'll go and grab a book off of here and not take one off of my other shelves. Well, that is in the process of being changed. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š

Now it's your turn. . . What book(s) are you avoiding and why or what book(s) need to be moved up on your TBR pile? Tell me in the comments!


Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I loved BECOMING. It really opened my eyes, too. My TBR books I'm avoiding

Astilbe said...

Medallion does look interesting. I hope you like it.

Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

Lydia said...

I'm very slowly making my way through Becoming now. It's a great book.


Jessica Baker said...

Caitlin and I bought The Medallion together and I have yet to read it. Much like you I tend to concentrate on books that have a due date so to speak and neglect the ones I buy :(

Andi said...

I’ve heard nothing but really good things about it! Thanks for stopping by!

Andi said...

I look at my shelves thinking I will read this once a review is posted but I go right to my review shelves instead of a purchased one. I’m going to get better at this. Somehow! ❤️

Andi said...

Thanks for stopping by! I’m hoping to start it sooner rather than later!

Andi said...

I thought so too. I met the author in April at a conference and I got home put it on the shelf and didn’t see it again until last weekend.

Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse said...

Becoming was so good! I actually listened to it, though. I felt like she was telling me her story in person.

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction said...

I have the same problem with avoiding my non-review books in favor of the books I get for review. It's a quandary for sure.

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Jessica at Booked J said...

ADORED Becoming, Caraval and Romanov. I hope you do as well, once you get to them. Or any of the other books on this list/your TBR!

First Line Friday #106

  Happy Friday!!! Welcome to another edition of First Line Friday. Yay, it's Friday and the Olympics begin tonight!!! I'm excited to...