Friday, September 6, 2019

First Line Friday ; Featuring The Girl Behind the Red Rope

Happy Friday!! I have been so excited about this book! I think it would be so incredibly fun to write a book with your NY Times best selling author, dad. Which is exactly what Rachelle Dekker did! I've just started this book and it is both haunting and eerie. But, not in a creepy way.

Welcome to another edition of First line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books. So, pick up the book closest to you and leave a comment with the first line. Today's first line is from The Girl Behind the Red Rope by Ted Dekker and Rachelle Dekker.

Today's first line:

It was hot that day in the hills of Tennessee. I remember because the aged boards that made up the tiny church's floor creaked with every step. As if to say, I'm tired of all you meat sacks treading on me. Be still. 

See what I mean. Just a little creepy. I enjoy reading creepy, eerie books in the fall.


Ten years ago, Grace saw something that would forever change the course of history. When evil in its purest form is unleashed on the world, she and others from their religious community are already hidden deep in the hills of Tennessee, abiding by every rule that will keep them safe, pure--and alive. As long as they stay there, behind the red perimeter.

Her older brother's questions and the arrival of the first outsiders she's seen in a decade set in motion events that will question everything Grace has built her life on. Enemies rise on all sides--but who is the real enemy? And what will it cost her to uncover the truth?

For the first time, bestselling authors Ted Dekker and Rachelle Dekker team up and deliver an intense, tightly focused ride through the most treacherous world of all.

This book released on Tuesday so you can grab your copy today! Goodreads || Amazon

Once you leave your first line head on over to Hoarding Books to read their first line and see other first lines. Have a wonderful weekend!


thebeccafiles said...

Happy Friday! The book I shared on my blog today is The Whistle Walk by Stephenia H McGee but it's also my current read so I'll share the first line from chapter 9 here: "Charles's cousin slapped him on the shoulder, sending his mug of ale sloshing over the rim and into his dinner." Happy Reading! :)

Becky said...

Happy Friday! My first line is from “Ford” by Susan May Warren:

“If Ford didn’t get his head in the game, they were doomed. People were going to die. Probably him.”

Beckie B. said...

Yes it is creepy!

Here's the first line from the last book to arrive at my house, The Gryphon Heist by James R. Hannibal. "Talia Inger clutched her side, letting her shoulder fall against the alley wall."

First Line Friday #106

  Happy Friday!!! Welcome to another edition of First Line Friday. Yay, it's Friday and the Olympics begin tonight!!! I'm excited to...