Monday, September 16, 2019

Fun Author Interview Featuring Jen Turano and Giveaway

Hi Jen, welcome to Radiant Light!

Jen: Hi, Andi. Thanks for having me!

RL: Let’s break the ice with some fun get to know you questions.

If you could hang out anywhere for a week would you go to the beach or a mountain lake?

Jen: Since I live within view of the Rocky Mountains, definitely the beach. I must admit that I miss water, what with Denver being rather land-locked, so waves and sand hold great appeal for me these days. 

RL: I've always been a beach girl. Growing up and living on the coast most of my life has given me a definite love for the beach.

Would you consider yourself a night owl or an early bird?

Jen: Early bird. I’m up by five, take my five mile jaunt on the trail, then sit down to work by eight. However, because I’m up so early, I retire with a book way before nine at night.

RL: I'm definitely a night owl. I can go to bed around nine, but I'll stay up way past midnight reading. Which makes getting up before eleven in the morning difficult. 

When it comes to curling up with a good book would we find you drinking coffee, hot or iced tea, water, something else?

Jen: So…have I mentioned I’m on this crazy diet – Weight Watchers to be exact – and because of that, I’ve given up beverages. Yes, that’s right, I don’t even drink tea these days, it’s strictly water. But I made my weight goal in less than four months, so I’m sticking with this new regime for, well, ever. Too bad water isn’t more, ah, tasty.  

RL: Uh, no you neglected to mentioned this crazy diet - HAHA. Weight Watchers isn't too awful. Muhaha! I've done that and got down to my pre-pregnancy weight and got pregnant. Haha! But, YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS on making your weight goal!

When you think about your daily activities would you say you’re more of a Golden Retriever or a spoiled Chihuahua?

Jen: Hahahaha – I’d love to say I’m a Retriever, but in all honesty, I think I may very well be the Chihuahua, and definitely a spoiled one at that.  

RL: I had to toss in a silly question. But, you're definitely not alone! I too wish I was more of a Retriever but I'd have to say that I, too am a Chihuahua, and very spoiled! Hahahaha!

Here on my blog I say that it is a radiant light and source of encouragement for both readers and authors. What do you hope radiates from your daily life?

Jen: I suppose I just hope I radiate a genuine liking for people. I get such enjoyment out of conversing/interacting with a wide variety of different people, and can only hope that their days are brightened just a bit as well from conversing with me.  

RL: That is lovely, Jen. I know that I felt that way after spending time with you in April at CFRR and even reading your books.  

If I asked Poppy to describe you as an author what would she say?

Jen: I believe she’d say I’m temperamental, change scenes at what she sees as my whims, and strenuously argue with characters when they balk at something I want them to do. She also would tell you that I talk to myself…out loud and a lot, and I’ve been known, when my characters are being pesky, to stretch out on the floor of my office, bemoaning my fate as a writer.  

RL: Oh, Jen. That's funny! I talk to myself too. I think it keeps me sane. I've experienced those pesky character's when I've competed in NANO and they can make you want to pull your hair out. Haha

Since we're talking about writing what would you say is your kryptonite as a writer?

Jen: Scenes that I decide are fabulous, but ones that really aren’t. I’ll write around those scenes until it feels like I’m writing through mud, unwilling to delete what I know needs to be deleted. I don’t experience writer block, however, when I try to keep a scene just because I think it’s overly amusing but it doesn’t really fit, that’s when the writing slows down to a crawl and I’m sure my career as a writer is over. 
Then I usually get around to giving myself ‘the talk,’ which then results with me finally using the delete button, and then I’m back in business. 

RL: I can't even imagine cutting scenes or words period. That has to be so hard, especially if you believe they are so fab and should stay in the book.

Let's turn our focus to Diamond in the Rough. Is there a favored quote from Diamond in the Rough 

you’d like to share?

Jen: I have quite a few, but the one I’ll share with you is from a scene that takes place in…jail.

“And then she slapped me, which had me knowin’ she was no man,” the man missing a few teeth said as he sent a smile Viola’s way. “I’d not mistake you for a man again because you’re the most beautiful critter I ever seen.”

“I believe you mean creature, dear,” Viola corrected, which had the man smiling wider than ever as he nodded. 

“Creature, that’s the word. Don’t know what I was thinkin’ callin’ you a critter.”

I read that to Al and he responded by telling me he thought I’d finally lost my mind.   

RL: That is fabulous! Why is it I can see Al saying that to you?

As we wrap things up do you have any Facebook release parties, or book signings coming up?

Jen: I don’t at the moment, but I will be on a TLC blog tour – here’s the link

RL: Thanks for spending time with me today and sharing a bit about yourself and your new book. I also appreciate you offering up a signed paperback copy of Diamond in the Rough. 

Jen: Thanks, for hosting me, Andi!! 

Book Blurb:

To save her family from financial ruin, Miss Poppy Garrison accepts an unusual proposition to participate in the New York social season in exchange for her grandmother settling a family loan that has unexpectedly come due. Ill-equipped to handle the intricacies of mingling within the New York Four Hundred, Poppy becomes embroiled in one hilarious fiasco after another, doomed to suffer a grand societal failure instead of being deemed the diamond of the first water her grandmother longs for her to become. 

Reginald Blackburn, second son of a duke, has been forced to travel to America to help his cousin, Charles Wynn, Earl of Lonsdale, find an American heiress to wed in order to shore up his family estate that is in desperate need of funds. Reginald himself has no interest in finding an heiress to marry, but when Poppy's grandmother asks him to give etiquette lessons to Poppy, he swiftly discovers he may be in for much more than he bargained for.


To enter the giveaway you must follow my blog and you must leave a comment telling me that you are a follower and if you've read a book of Jen Turano's and which one. This giveaway is open to US residents only. This giveaway will stay open until Thursday, September 19th. Once I contact the winner they will have 48 hours to respond to my email with their address.

You can read my review of Diamond in the Rough and see where you can connect with Jen Turano, HERE.


1bgpayne said...

Thank you, Andi and Jen!
The interview is fantastic ❤

Melissa Andres said...

How fun! I follow your blog. But as of today, I've not read one of Jen's books. But...A Change of Fortune is next on my tbr pile! Can't wait!

Unknown said...

LOVE all of Jen's books. Great interview! I always recommend Jens books!

Kathy said...

I followed your blog (kwyrzy (at) hotmail (dot) com)

I think I have read all of Jen's books! But to mention one, I have read "Out of the Ordinary."
Thanks for the giveaway!

Shelley B said...

Great interview! I am following your blog via email. Jen is a newer author for me. I've read "After A Fashion" and can't wait to read more of her books!

MJSH said...

I’m a follower! I really enjoyed Flights of Fancy and looking forward to this one!
mindyhoung AT msn DOT com

Diane Estrella said...

I'm a follower. I've read all of her books since A Change of Fortune and can't get enough!

Thanks for the giveaway!
dianemestrella at gmail dot com

Elizabeth Litton said...

I follow your blog! I have read all of Jen's books and enjoyed every one of them! The American Heiresses series is great.


eclitton at gmail dot com

Pam said...

I am a follower of your blog. I've read all of Jen Turano's books except this one and have enjoyed them all. I can't pick a favorite since they are all so good. Thanks for the giveaway. It was fun to read the interview.


Kathleen C, said...

I'm following your blog and loved the interview. I just love Jen's books and read Out of the Ordinary first, got hooked and have read 12 more. I just love how she can weave a great plot, unforgettable characters, an inspirational nugget, and laugh out loud humor all together so perfectly. Thanks for the chance to win her latest book!

Trixi said...

I am a follower via email. Haven't read any of Jen's books yet and I know I am missing out on the fun! From all of my reader friends recommendations, I need to add her books to my must-read list ASAP :-)

Thank you for the great author interview & giveaway chance to win "A Diamond in the Rough"!

teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

Michelle F. said...

I'm a follower of your blog. I have most of Jen's books. The first one I read was A Match of Wits. I liked the pig. I like the humor in her books. That critter part was funny.

Laura Waltz said...

I am a follower via GFC and email. I love Jen's books, she always makes me giggle. I loved Flights of Fancy and can't wait to read this one sometime as well. Thanks for the chance!
LLWaltz [at] gmail [dot] com

Andi said...

CONGRATULATIONS, DIANE!!! Look for my email!!

Thanks to everyone who entered and I am so glad you enjoyed Jen Turano's interview.

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