Monday, August 5, 2019

The Jesus Who Surprises Bible Study by Dee Brestin Reviewed

Book Details:

Title: The Jesus Who Surprises; Bible Study
Author: Dee Brestin
Publisher: Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers

Join beloved Bible teacher and best-selling author Dee Brestin in discovering the surprising places Jesus shows up in the Old Testament and the unexpected ways He speaks into our lives today.
Offering a fascinating perspective on the historic, poetic, and prophetic books of the Old Testament, Brestin draws on her deep understanding of the full scope of the Bible to explore the timeless story of God's quest to rescue each of us. She combines rich teaching, memorable storytelling, and an in-depth Bible study component to create a resource that shows readers how the story began (the books of Moses), how to live in the story (the poetic books), and how the story will end (the prophets).

Purchase a copy HERE.

About Dee Brestin:

Dee Brestin is the best-selling author of many books and Bible studies, including The Friendships of Women and Falling in Love with Jesus. She hosts a popular weekly interactive Bible study on her website at Dee Brestin Ministries and is actively involved in prison ministries. A frequent guest on Moody Radio and Focus on the Family, Dee also speaks regulary at women's conferences. Dee has five grown children and lives in Wisconsin.

Learn more about her HERE.

My Thoughts: 

When I was asked to review this book I misunderstood that this was a Bible Study. I don't read a lot if any non-fiction/self-help type books but having read The Friendship's of Women as a young mom and I haven't read anything by Miss Brestin since so I thought I'd give it a try. It's not a bad book, just one I wasn't expecting to read, which is probably my fault. 

As a Bible Study, this book is perfect for a MOPS group, a small group, or a ladies group at church. It is broken down weekly with readings, and questions for each day. There are great quotes at the start of each chapter. 

Here's a great one: "I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now. . . Come further up, come further in!" The Unicorn in The Last Battle.

If you're a Narnian you recognize that quote and it's a favorite one of yours too!

If you're apart of a women's ministry group and looking for a Bible Study this fall you might want to give this one a look. 

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