Friday, July 7, 2017

First Line Friday #27

WOW, Just WOW! I can't believe this is the first Friday of July! Before we know it we'll be celebrating Christmas! I know don't remind me right?!?!? I hope you had a great 4th of July! We had a great weekend with family and friends. The only issue we experienced was fireworks in our neighborhood until the wee, wee hours of the morning, and I'm not talking the legal ones, we had mortars going off. Our poor little dog was still scared Wednesday morning and wouldn't eat. She's better and so is Mama. I think I worry more about her than I did my kids . . . maybe not?!?

Today I am going to feature Amy Matayo's new book The Whys Have It.

About the book:

"His music holds the heart of America...but his soul holds a terrible secret."
Chart topping pop musician Cory Minor has it all—fame, money, more women at his disposal than time to spend on them. He’s living the life most American men only dream of. Until an ordinary concert in Springfield threatens to destroy everything he’s worked for.
As he and his band leave the arena for his next show, Cory’s tour bus crashes into two teenage girls, killing one girl instantly and leaving the other barely clinging to life. Lawsuits are threatened, tabloids are talking, and Cory’s idyllic world falls apart. But what no one knows is that this scene is all too familiar. Because this isn’t the first accident Cory has caused. This isn’t the first time he’s destroyed someone else’s life to save his own.
It’s just the first time he’s had to face it head on.
Small town girl Samantha Dalton has no one—no mother, no father, and now no sister. She’s lost everything in a world that celebrates excess. So when Cory Minor shows up at her doorstep offering money and apologies, she turns him away too. You can’t lose what you don’t have, and she can’t take another letdown, especially not from someone who has managed to rip away all she had left. Samantha has been fine on her own for years, she’ll be fine now too.
At least that’s what she tells herself.
But Cory won’t leave. He’s persistent in the worst possible way.
Will Cory’s determination to make things right pay off in the end, or will Sam keep pushing him away until there’s nothing left to fight for? How can two people learn to rely on each other when life keeps hurting them both?



Fame isn't as glamorous as people might think.

Chapter 1

My past just caught up to me, because for one careless second I forgot to run. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I had to give you the first line from both. I think these are great first lines and definitely pulls you into the book. I haven't read it yet but it is next on my TBR. What do you think of this first line, and what's yours?

Please visit my friends and see their first lines and leave yours in the comments.

With A Joyful Noise  Faithfully Bookish  Bibliophile Reviews 

Reading is my SuperPower  Encouraging Words From the Tea Queen  

A Baker's Perspective Kathleen Denly  Fiction Aficionado  

Bookworm Mama  Robin's Nest  

All the Book Blog Names are Taken  Singing Librarian  Moments Dipped in Ink  

Cafinated Reads  Joy of Reading  CJ Reads


Trisha said...

On my blog this week I'm excited to be teaming up with Carrie Turansky and sharing the first line & cover reveal for her new book "Across the Blue" scheduled to be released early 2018! I wanted to share another great line on the comments, so I've borrowed the book that my 9 year old son is currently reading.

"Charlie Scott leaned against the corner of the garage, every inch of him spelling boredom." -- Some Summer by: Jean Vandevenne
1987 Bob Jones University Press, Greenville, SC

Caryl Kane said...


MAY 1, 1774

Jeremiah Ring had witnessed death as often as the next man on the Allegheny frontier, but in all his thirty years he had encountered no deaths more dismaying than those confronting him now. - Many Sparrows by Lori Benton

Amanda Tero said...

Wow... that sounds like a very emotionally intense read!

Paula Shreckhise said...

Jody Hedlund,An Uncertain Choice:My slippered feet slapped the dirt road and my heart hammered against my chest like a battering ram. Medieval romance of young people , first of a trilogy!

Dinh said...

Happy Friday!
My first line is: “This fairy tale begins in 1968 during a garbage strike.” ~ The Changeling by Victor Lavalle.
Dinh@Arlene's Book Club

Beth Erin said...

Isn't that a great book! I still need to swoof but I haven't slowed down long enough to do it!

Dutch Whitney hit the bog hard, tumbling forward to smack facedown into the muck. - Grounded Hearts by Jeanne M. Dickson

Bookworm Mama said...

Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

Here's mine.

"Ross Springer knew he was going into the drink the second Abby Cushman stepped up to the mark, fixed those intelligent blue eyes on the bull's-eye, and let the beanbag zip." Hook, Line, and Sinker by Susan May Warren

Happy Friday!

englishmysteriesblog said...

Oh I know, they are already playing Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. :) Happy Monday!

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