Friday, May 19, 2017

First Line Friday #20

It's Friday! Which means it's time for another edition of First Line Friday. We have two new ladies joining us today, Christina of Dipped in Ink and Molly of Cafinated Reads. Welcome ladies! If you would like to join us for First Line Friday, please send Carrie of Reading is My SuperPower an email.
Have a wonderful bookish weekend!

About the book:

Allegra Spencer has been living a careful life. Her safe job as an accountant is book-ended by going to church and the gym. Okay, sometimes the gym. Fine. She goes to church. And the coffee shop. She avoids risk at all cost, preferring to stay safe in her cozy condo. Until her accounting firm goes belly up and she's out of a job.
Tyler Hawk had a glorious career as a star NFL tight end. He retired on a high note and now lives a second dream of owning his own business and leading others on extreme outdoor adventures. But he needs help with his books—and his heart. When Allegra takes the job, sparks fly.
It’s a case of safety zone versus danger zone, and in their minds, never the two shall meet.

First Line:

The little hairs on the back of Allegra Spencer's neck stood at attention. He was behind her. She could feel his presence as sure as she could smell the beans being ground by the barista on the other side of the reclaimed wood counter. 

As always mark your place and keep reading!

Please visit my other blogging buddies to see their first line, and leave yours in the comments.

Amanda at With A Joyful Noise 

Beth Erin at Faithfully Bookish 

Bree at Bibliophile Reviews  

Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower 

Heather at Encouraging Words From the Tea Queen

Jessica at  A Baker's Perspective  

Kathleen at Kathleen Denly

Katie at Fiction Aficionado

Lauraine at Lauraine's Notes 

Rachel at Bookworm Mama 

Robin at Robin's Nest 

Sarah at All The Book Blog Names Are Taken

Sydney at Singing Librarian 

Trisha @ Joy of Reading

Jeanette @ Jane Reads

And please welcome . . .

Christina of Moments Dipped in Ink


Molly of Cafinated Reads


Dinh said...

Here’s my first line:
Garvin Poole slipped out of bed, got his lighter off the fireplace mantel, and walked in his underwear through the dark house to the kitchen, where he took a joint out of a sugar jar, then continued to the garden door. ~Golden Prey by John Sandford

Dinh @ Arlene's Book Club

1bgpayne said...

A shiver rippled across Juanita Hoyt’s shoulders, an involuntary spasm induced by the cold metal encircling her wrists.

Signs of Life by Valerie Banfield

Count Me In is in my TBR. I forgot I ordered it and was so happy to see it show up on my kindle the other day.

Fiction Aficionado said...

I can't wait to read this one!

I have the first line from Erynn Newman's debut release 'Out of Darkness' on my blog, but here I'm going to share the first line from Johnnie Alexander's latest release, 'What Hope Remembers':

"The June sun beat on Gabe Kendall's bare head and tapped into his childhood memories of horse farm."

Happy Friday!

Becky said...

Happy Friday! Sounds good!
My first line is: “My heart beat as if it was trying to build up speed and erupt from my chest.” From Warfare:Life After Book 2 by Julie Hall. Coming out June 13th.

Amanda Tero said...

Sounds like a fun read! I've seen this one around a lot recently.

Karen Sargent said...

My first line is from TURTLES IN THE ROAD, a humorous romance from mother/daughter duo Rhonda Rhea and Kaley Rhea. The book arrived yesterday, and I didn't get to crack it open until 1:00 AM...but I just HAD to start it before bed! The first chapter is hilarious...and Piper is my new BF! -- "Normally a nice long solo drive had a calming effect on Piper."

englishmysteriesblog said...

I love this first line!! :) Happy Friday!

Caryl Kane said...

COUNT ME IN is on my wish list!

It's a Regency weekend for me. Today I've started reading Carrie Turansky's Edwardian Brides series.

October 1911
Berkshire, England

Julia Foster lifted her gaze to the clear October sky as a lark swooped past.

The Governess of Highland Hall


Andi said...

Sounds like John Sanford. Happy Friday and happy reading!

Andi said...

Sounds interesting! Happy Friday and happy reading!

Andi said...

I was giggling from the beginning! Happy weekend!

Andi said...

Interesting first line! Happy Friday and happy reading!

Andi said...

So far it is! Happy weekend and happy reading!

Andi said...

Sounds fun! Happy Friday and happy reading!

Andi said...

I was giggling from the beginning. Happy Friday to you too!

Andi said...

I love Carrie's books!! Happy Friday and happy reading!

Unknown said...

I just finished reading this last night!

Here's mine. Judy Hedlund's For Love & Honor: "You have one month to pay the debt," Captain Foxe stated, his tone as rigid as the plate armor he wore.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

This is certainly a book I need to get on reading! This is the book I have just started to read; Mrs. Odboddy: Undercover Courier. By Elaine Faber ” Lighting flashed and thunder rattled the windows of Wilkey’s Market where Agnes pushed a little metal cart through the crowded aisle.”
But I do have another great mystery up today on the blog!

Andi said...

Hi CJ! Welcome! Did you enjoy it? I just finished For Love and Honor a couple of weeks ago. So good!

Andi said...

Back at ya!!

Andi said...

Great line. Happy reading!

Jessica Baker said...

This is a book I need to get my hands on!! Happy Friday :)

Cafinated-Reads Molly said...

Sounds like a good read! I'll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing your FLF :-)

Andi said...

Yes, you do!! Happy reading!!

Andi said...

You'd enjoy it! Happy weekend!!

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