Friday, November 25, 2016

First Line Friday, Jaded by Varina Denman

About the book:

Ruthie Turner resents the Christians in her small Texas town, but when she falls for the new preacher, she must release her bitterness...and learn to love. On the surface, nothing seems to change in this dull town-yet God always works beneath the surface.

First Line:
"Ruthie, did you hear? There's a new kid up at the school."  

Visit these bloggers, see their first lines and leave your comment in the comment section.

Rachel at Bookworm Mama
Beth Erin at Faithfully Bookish
Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower
Sydney at Singing Librarian
Heather at Encouraging Words From the Tea Queen

I currently have a 10 year blogversary giveaway going on right now. You can enter to win a copy of Jaded by Varina Denman,

To enter you must . . .
1. Follow my blog, if you are not a follower your entry will be disqualified.
2. Leave a blog comment with your email address, if you don't you also will be disqualified.
3. This giveaway is open to US residents only.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Becky said...

“Hattie Alexander let out a sigh as she opened up the front door to Savannah House and plopped herself down on the chaise in the parlor.” From Heart of Mine by Belle Calhoune

Caryl Kane said...

7 Heart Ranch, Hartville, Texas

"Quiet down, now." George Washington Hart put his hands flat on the dining room table and levered himself upright. "I have something to say." - 7 Brides for 7 Texans Romance Collection by Erica Vetsch, Amanda Barratt, Susan Page Davis, Keli Gwyn, Vickie McDonough, Gabrielle Meyer and Lorna Seilstad. It just came in today's mail.


englishmysteriesblog said...

Seattle, Washington Territory
December 1866

"What better time than a wedding to ask a man to marry you?"

The Convenient Christmas Wedding by Regina Scott

Becky said...

I forgot to leave my email address: lelandandbecky at reagan dot com

Beth Erin said...

I love the Mended Hearts series!

Lake Michigan
I am living my nightmare. A violent storm has overtaken our steamship, and as we mount high on the crest of a wave one moment, then plunge sickeningly into a watery trough the next, I am certain we are about to sink.

Had to let you in on the second line there, too much suspense for just one little line!

Bookworm Mama said...

London February 1770, My Precious Lord; My only hope; My Saviour, How I need you now. Eleanor Morgan repeated the words, over and over, scrubbing her fingernails more vigorously with each repetition. I know, I cheat...Haha! The Captive Heart by Michelle Griep

Beth Erin said...

Waves of Mercy by Lynn Austin... my brain must have been in a turkey fog!

First Line Friday #106

  Happy Friday!!! Welcome to another edition of First Line Friday. Yay, it's Friday and the Olympics begin tonight!!! I'm excited to...