Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Where Rivers Part by Kellie Coates Gilbert

Following in her estranged father's footsteps, Dr. Juliet Ryan has devoted her scientific acumen to corporate America, providing safe drinking water for millions--and affording her plenty of perks along the way. Then, without warning, a fast-moving disaster sweeps Juliet into a whirlpool of corporate scandal and puts lives at risk. As she scrambles to find answers, Juliet must face her deepest wounds and join forces with her father to expose a far-reaching conspiracy. Underneath it all, she struggles to forgive those who betrayed her trust--not least of all her own father.

Kellie Coates Gilbert

I barely remember a time when I didn’t have a book in my hand. My tiny hometown of Carey, Idaho had no library, no bookstore. The bi-weekly bookmobile provided the only avenue to books . . . that, and my Gram, who spent a lot of her Social Security checks on books for her granddaughter with an insatiable appetite for stories.
I grew up on a sheep ranch in southern Idaho, a business my family had been in for generations, never dreaming I’d ever see my own name on a novel. I left home to attend Boise State University and spent most of my adult years pursuing a sensible legal career, raising two boys, and learning to be happily married.
But God heard the quiet prayers of a woman who dared to dream big and ask her Lord for the outrageous. In early 2011, I signed my first book contract. Today, I am living my fantasy. I live in Dallas with my husband. I work from home, writing novels. Often by the pool.
Can life get any better?

Kellie is one of the few authors I've had the pleasure of meeting in person, and she is a very gracious author, I am tickled that she is from Idaho which means I may get the chance to see her again.

Kellie's new book, Where Rivers Part, is just that, the parting of the ways between Juliet and her father. Her father does not like what she is doing, he feels she has given in. Tragedy strikes and like a river running downstream it can cleanse and heal, the question is do you allow it to.
This book could be ripped right out of today's headlines. With Kellie's finesse of storytelling, and her legal knowledge this book is a home run! It releases today, and all I can say is go grab a copy and enjoy!


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