Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish Super Powers I Wish I Had


Happy Tuesday Evening! Today was a little crazy, to say the least. I had a Drs. appointment and we had a plumber out about our water heater. It was leaking and with my hubby being on workman's comp because of his injury my brain was preoccupied with that expense and I couldn't think about Top Ten Tuesday just the possible expense. I will post a link with my Epileptologist on the news at the end. Every person who struggles with a chronic illness needs a doctor like him!!

My top ten super powers I wish I had:

One - The ability to read a book in one day. I used to do that on the daily but those days are gone! That was pre-epilepsy. 

Two - A brain box that catalogs all of my favorite characters, not just the book boyfriends I  collect. 

Three - The ability to literally visit bookish lands while I'm reading.

Four - The ability to bring any book character to life. Book boyfriends is a no-go for this. LOL

Five - The ability to organize my books both in color and alphabetical order.

Six - The ability to create another bookcase when needed.

Seven - The ability to jump into the book and stop a fight from happening and/or fix the ending if it makes me sad.

Eight - The ability to scan pages; not to get spoilers, but to look for triggers or things I wouldn't like that would cause a DNF.

Nine - The ability to speed up publishing so I don't have to wait so long for a book to be released.

Ten - This has to be the best one!! To lose weight reading and writing reviews!!!

Sorry for the lateness. I hope you enjoyed my list!

Please watch this video of my epileptologist on our local news talking about how insurance companies don't care for patients.


I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy my top ten.


Kel James said...

Oh my goodness, your list! I'd love to have all of these, especially the ability to read a book in one day (I, too, lost that but I can only blame mine on laziness)

My list: https://rewritingkel.wordpress.com/2024/02/20/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-superpowers/

Lydia said...

Being able to actually visit certain bookish lands would be so cool!

I hope today will be a quieter one for you. Yesterday sounds like it was so busy for you.

And, yeah, insurance companies do not do a good job of looking after people. I have a chronic illness, too.They’re difficult enough on their own without having to fight for appropriate care!

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

Cindy said...

Great list, Andi! The last one is my favorite, LOL!

Aj @ Read All The Things! said...

If reading burned calories, I'd be the fittest person ever. :)

Sarah - Exploring All Genres said...

Yes, speeding up publishing! I get it takes time to produce books but damn sometimes the waits are just too long. Love all these other superpowers you mentioned.

Andi said...

Hi, Kel! I’m so glad you stopped by. I blame my epilepsy, but that’s not the case.

Hi, Lydia! Wouldn’t it be fun to drop into Italy or France when the book is set there as we’re reading? Or Skymar…Pepper Basham’s made up land?

Hi, Cindy! Losing weight while we read and reading counting as exercise!

Hi, AJ! That’s my granddaughter’s name. If I lost weight while reading I’d make my drs happy! Lol

Hi, Sarah! I agree…we need to speed up the process or learn patience. 😉

Thanks for stopping by! I’m working on how to answer each comment.

Top Ten Tuesday April Showers Bring May Flowers

  Happy Tuesday, and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday sponsored by That Artsy Reader Girl. Today's prompt is April showers bring May f...