Friday, August 4, 2017

First Line Friday #31

The first Friday of August, really?! How did this happen? Seems like summer just started, at least the first football game of the season was last night. I figure if summer is going to end at least bring on the football!! Today I'm going to do something a little different. I'm going to feature Tamera Alexander's upcoming release but not the first line, instead I will feature my favorite quote from the book, that will be my 6+ review rating. 6+ review rating means the book is a must have, a keeper, one that evokes all the feels, has you thinking about the characters long after you've closed the last page, and my description is still growing.

About the book:

With fates bound by a shared tragedy, a reformed gambler from the Colorado Territory and a Southern Belle bent on breaking free from society's expectations must work together to achieve their dreams—provided that the truth doesn't tear them apart first.
Sylas Rutledge, the new owner of the Northeast Line Railroad, invests everything he has into this venture, partly for the sake of the challenge. But mostly to clear his father's name. One man holds the key to Sy's success—General William Giles Harding of Nashville's Belle Meade Plantation. But Harding is champagne and thoroughbreds, and Sy Rutledge is beer and bullocks. Sy needs someone to help him maneuver his way through Nashville's society, and when he meets Alexandra Jamison, he quickly decides he's found his tutor. Only, he soon discovers that the very train accident his father is blamed for causing is what killed Alexandra Jamison's fiancee—and what has broken her heart.
Spurning an arranged marriage by her father, Alexandra instead pursues her passion for teaching at Fisk University, the first freedmen's university in the United States. But family—and Nashville society—do not approve, and she soon finds herself cast out from both. Through connections with the Harding family, Alexandra and Sy become unlikely allies. And despite her first impressions, Alexandra gradually finds herself coming to respect, and even care for this man. But how can she, when her heart is still spoken for? And when Sy's roguish qualities and adventuresome spirit smack more of recklessness than responsibility and honor?
Sylas Rutledge will risk everything to win over the woman he loves. What he doesn't count on is having to wager her heart to do it.
Set against the real history of Nashville's Belle Meade Plantation and the original Fisk University Jubilee Singers ensemble, To Wager Her Heart is a stirring love story about seeking justice and restoring honor at a time in history when both were tenuous and hard-won.

My favorite quote from this book. . .

His voice sounded like the rich taste of chocolate on your tongue. 

Is that not the best line ever?!?!?! I love it! Here is the quote meme I made for it.

This book releases on Tuesday, August 8th. You can pre-order it here. AMAZON

Our little group just keeps growing! Last week we had two new members join us, today we have a new member. Welcome Nicole from Christian Fiction Girl to our ever growing First Line Friday gang!


Trisha said...

Fantastic post! Great work on the meme!

Cafinated-Reads Molly said...

Love this post!!! And that quote is AWESOME! I need to make meme for some of my favorites too!

Bookworm Mama said...

Very nice! Can't wait to read this!!! I have it waiting for me on my kindle.

Amanda Tero said...

I like creative expressions. :)

Now that I have a bookshelf within reach of my desk, I'm grabbing one I hope to read this year.
"Romulus White stood motionless in the crowded ballroom, staring at a woman he'd once longed for more than his next breath of air."
- From this Moment, by Elizabeth Camden

Cafinated-Reads Molly said...
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Top Ten Tuesday . . . Books With Food In The Story

Happy Tuesday and Happy September! Life kinda sucks right now. My dad has Alzheimer's and the Hospice nurse told me that she believes he...