Friday, April 28, 2017

First Line Friday Week #17

We made it to another Friday, and we're just a few days away from May, which means we're closer to Summer!!!! Hence the above picture!
Welcome to First Line Friday! Grab the book closest book to you and leave the first line in the comment section.

This week I am featuring Some Small Magic by Billy Coffey.

About the book:

She whispers, “I’m supposed to take you home.”

“Not yet,” Abel says. “Please, just not yet.”

All Abel wants is a little bit of magic in his life. Enough money so his mom doesn’t cry at night. Healing for his broken body. And maybe a few answers about his past.
When Abel discovers letters to him from the dad he believed dead, he wonders if magic has come to the hills of Mattingly, Virginia, after all. But not everything is as it seems.
With a lot of questions and a little bit of hope, Abel decides to run away to find the truth. But danger follows him from the moment he jumps his first boxcar, forcing Abel to rely upon his simpleminded friend Willie—a man wanted for murder who knows more about truth than most—and a beautiful young woman who was already on the train.
From Appalachia to the Tennessee wilds and through the Carolina mountains, the name of a single small town beckons: Fairhope. That is where Abel believes his magic lays. But will it be the sort that will bring a broken boy healing? And is that the magic that will one day lead him home?

First Line:

It isn't the horrible thing he's done that bothers Abel, nor that he knows exactly why he did it, nor even that what began as the perfect plan frayed to tatters even before Mrs. Heizer chirped her whistle to end the last recess of the school year.

Visit my blogger buddies listed below, see their first line and leave yours in the comments. As always mark your place and keep reading!

Amanda at With A Joyful Noise 

Beth Erin at Faithfully Bookish 

Bree at Bibliophile Reviews  

Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower 

Heather at Encouraging Words From the Tea Queen

Jessica at  A Baker's Perspective  

Kathleen at Kathleen Denly

Katie at Fiction Aficionado

Lauraine at Lauraine's Notes 

Rachel at Bookworm Mama 

Robin at Robin's Nest 

Sarah at All The Book Blog Names Are Taken

Sydney at Singing Librarian 

And Welcome, Trisha @ Joy of Reading


Trisha said...

The line I’m going to share with you here is different than the one featured on my blog post. This book is one that my 9 year old son is currently reading for the second time.

“This is a true story. Well some of it. Most of it.”
Harlow & Sage (and Indiana) A true story about best friends by: Brittni Vega

Becky said...

Happy Friday (is it really?)!! My first line is from a nonfiction book that is being released on May 2nd, Women Who Move Mountains by Sue Detweiler: " 'Get my baby out!' I screamed with a raspy voice."

And one of my favorite quotes: "Every day we have the opportunity to agree with God & allow His perspective to flood us with His hope. It’s like having a pressure washer in your mind."

Andi said...

I know can you believe it?! I love the quote! Have a great weekend!

Andi said...

Hi Trisha, and welcome to your first First Line Friday!

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