Friday, January 27, 2017

First Line Friday . . . Week #4

                                                         About the book:
Separated by an inconceivable tragedy, can faith and love reunite childhood friends and light the way to a bright future?
In a quiet corner of northern Edwardian England, Margaret Lounsbury diligently works in her grandmother s millinery shop, making hats and caring for her young sister. Several years earlier, a terrible event reshaped their family, shattering an idyllic life and their future prospects. Maggie is resilient and will do what she must to protect her sister Violet. Still, the loss of her parents weighs heavily on her heart because she wonders if what happened that day on the lake might not have been an accident.
When wealthy inventor and industrialist William Harcourt dies, his son and Maggie s estranged childhood friend, Nathaniel returns from his time in the Royal Navy and inherits his father s vast estate, Morningside Manor. He also assumes partial control of his father s engineering company and the duty of repaying an old debt to the Lounsbury family. But years of separation between Nate and Maggie have taken a toll and Maggie struggles to trust her old friend.
Can Maggie let go of the resentment that keeps her from forgiving Nate and reconciling with God? Will the search for the truth about her parents death draw the two friends closer or leave them both with broken hearts?"

First Line:

Four years later...April 1903

Maggie turned the hat block and examined the broad-brimmed, yellow straw hat.



Visit these other bloggers, read their first line and leave yours in the comments. 

Rachel at Bookworm Mama 

Heather at Encouraging Words From the Tea Queen 

BethErin at Faithfully Bookish

Katie at Fiction Aficionado

Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower

Robin at Robin's Nest

Sydney at Singing Librarian 

And welcome Bree to our little gang!! 

Bree at Bibliophile Reviews



Becky said...

I look forward to reading this book! I have several books by Carrie that I need to read.
My first line is: "Journeys are a curious sort of thing." From Embracing the Baobab, Missionary Reflections on Christian Community, by Jerry Ireland.

englishmysteriesblog said...

My first line for the week comes from Tea and Sympathy by Carol Cox:

"Kate Hanlon settled back into the pillows propped against the headboard of her bed and stared down at her lap. The tray resting on her knees contained a steaming mug of tea and a plate holding one slice of lightly buttered toast."

Happy reading and happy Friday!

MeezCarrie said...

i can't wait to read Carrie's new one! It's sitting here calling to me. My first line at the moment comes from Erica Vetsch’s My Heart Belongs in Fort Bliss Texas – “Only the army would think a place like this worth defending.”

1bgpayne said...

First Line from "Stars in the Grass" by Ann Marie Stewart
Prologue- I spent the better part of my childhood sitting on a pew in the balcony of Bethel Springs First Presbyterian Church, listening to my dad's long vowels as he preached on predestination.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any of Carrie's yet. I'll have to check this one out.

My first line today is from Regina Jennings' "For the Record":

Only a limited patch of Earth could claim the privilege of belonging to Texas. Not that he despised the rest of the world for its misfortune, but there was a difference.

Have a good weekend :-)

Andi said...

Interesting first line. Happy Reading!

Andi said...

Good one!

Andi said...

I can't wait to start Carrie's book too!

Andi said...

Sounds like it came from Footloose!

Andi said...

I loved For the Record! You too!!

Sydney Anderson said...

Better late than never.

Paris, France
May 1719

"You shouldn't be here." With gentle authority, Julianne Chevalier ushered a man twice her age to the doorway of his young wife's lying-in chamber.

`Mark of the King by Jocelyn Green

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