Friday, October 21, 2016

First Line Friday - The Thorn Healer by Pepper D. Basham

About the book:

Jessica Ross' scars run much deeper than the wounds of war. Determined to escape the ghosts of her past and the German influence on her nightmares, she returns home to the sleepy Appalachian town of Hot Springs, NC, only to find the renowned Mountain Park Hotel has been converted into a 'prison' for displaced Germans. To Jessica's dismay, her grandparents have befriended one of the treacherous internees.

August Reinhold has not only found kinship with Jessica's grandparents, but as they share their granddaughter's letters from the Front, he discovers a surprising bond drawing him toward the independent and beautiful woman. Displaced by a war and a painful history, he finds Hot Springs and the intriguing Jessica Ross a tempting place to start over. Determined to scale the heights of her bitterness and show her the power of love, August faces more than just Jessica's resistance but a more devious design to harm the civilian sailors housed in Hot Springs.

Will August's tender pursuit bring Jessica the healing and hope she needs, or will bitterness force her into the hands of a "true" enemy waiting to destroy much more than her heart?
Expected publication: November 2016 
 About Pepper:

Pepper D Basham has been telling tales ever since she was a little girl. When her grandmother called her a “writer” at the age of ten, Pepper took it as gospel and has enjoyed various types of writing styles ever since. A native of the Blue Ridge Mountains, mom of five, speech-language pathologist, and lover of chocolate, Pepper enjoys sprinkling her native Appalachian culture into her fiction wherever she can. She currently resides in the lovely mountains of Asheville, NC, where she works with kids who have special needs, searches for unique hats, and plots new ways to annoy her wonderful friends at her writing blog, The Writer’s Alley. She is represented by Julie Gwinn, and her debut novel, The Thorn Bearer, arrives on May 7th 2015
First I have to say, isn't the cover just gorgeous??? I love it!
First line - 
Wounded soldiers returned from war as heroes. 
 Visit these wonderful ladies and their first lines. Leave yours in the comments.


Becky said...

Oooohhhh! CAN'T WAIT to read The Thorn Healer!!!
Here's my first line:
"Kacey didn't want to raise eyebrows & alert the entire town to her return. She simply hoped to tame the beast that had roared to life..." Wild Montana Skies by Susan May Warren.

But I have another book nearby that I want to post: "The night was moonless, the color of black ink, with not one star twinkling from the heavens." A Royal Christmas Wedding by Rachel Hauck
LOVE both these books!!!!

Caryl Kane said...

Hey Andi! I am giddy with excitement for the release of The Thorn Healer!

Here is my first line:
June 21, 1941
Kiev, Ukraine

"Papa, Papa!"


Unknown said...

I LOVED the first two in this series and can't wait to read this one!!

December 1742
Chatham, England

“I fear that our wassailing has become a nuisance.” Polly Catlett slowed her steps, her toes aching in the stiff leather of her boots, the damp chill of December finally taking its toll.

~Newton and Polly~ by Jody Hedlund

LOVED this book! 🙂

Happy Friday, Andi!

Sydney Anderson said...

This one is on my list to read soon!! :D

My line:

The wailing siren of an approaching ambulance penetrated the walls of Sarah Montgomery's fourth floor Manhattan apartment.
~Moonlight Over Manhattan by Carrie Turansky

1bgpayne said...

Hudson River Valley Summer 1898
First two lines…”THAT’S WHERE THE BODY WAS FOUND, floating facedown in the river,”an ominous voice intoned. “He was stone-cold dead.”
From Elizabeth Camden’s Until the Dawn.

Beth Erin said...

Can't wait to read The Thorn Healer!!! Squeee!!!

17 Tammuz
4th Month Out of Egypt
Wild drumbeats rumbled through the ground like distant thunder, pulsing in defiant rhythms and vibrating the hollows of my chest.

OOoooo, isn't that a good one!!!

Beth Erin said...

Shadow of the Storm by Connilyn Cossette... hehehe, oops!

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