Friday, October 28, 2016

Accelerant (Abiassa's Fire book #2) by Ronie Kendig

About the book:

He'll destroy the world. But first he has to save it.

The Nine Kingdoms bleed. Leaderless, ravaged, the land awaits deliverance from Poired Dyrth's devastating campaign. But what if one blight can only be cleansed by another?

The promised Fierian is known by many names. Judge. Destroyer. Scourge. And now one other: Haegan, Prince of Seultrie. Once a cripple, now a gifted Accelerant, Haegan can no longer run from the truth. But neither can he be reconciled to it. He knows only one thing for certain: as the only able-bodied heir to the Fire Throne, he must return to the Nine and fight for his people.

But there are insidious forces at work. When reality itself falls into question, Haegan struggles to know where to fight, who to trust. Caught between duty to his country and duty to the world, Haegan must see clearly enough to choose the right path to save his devastated world.

About Ronie:

Ronie Kendig is an award-winning, bestselling author who grew up an Army brat. She married her own hunky hero, who’s an Army veteran. After twenty-plus years of marriage, she and her husband have a full life with four children and two dogs. Ronie’s degree in psychology has helped her pen novels of raw, broken characters. Since launching onto the publishing scene, Ronie’s Rapid-Fire Fiction has hit the CBA Bestseller List, won the prestigious Christy Award, finaled in numerous contests and reader awards, including ACFW Carol Awards, RWA’s Faith, Hope, & Love’s Inspirational Readers’ Choice Awards, Christian Retailing’s Readers’ Choice Awards, INSPY Award, The Christian Manifesto Lime Awards, and FamilyFiction’s Readers’ Choice Choice Awards. Ronie loves people and helping other writers through speaking, workshops, and/or mentoring. Find Ronie at, on Facebook ( , Twitter (@roniekendig), and GoodReads.

My Thoughts:

WOW! Just WOW!!! Ronie's world building, characters, and good vs. evil in her second book, Accelerant captured me from the first word and held me captive until the last one. The action is one that I have come to love in Ronie's books and it was upfront and present in this book. I literally felt like I was in the Kingdom of the Nine experiencing life with Haegan and his band of characters. 
I did have to read a little slower than normal to keep everything and everyone straight. Once immersed the story took off and I couldn't put it down. I was so immersed I was dreaming about Haegan. This is a perfect series for your pre-teen/teen and fantasy lover. 

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