Sunday, October 23, 2016

10 Year Blogaversary!!!!

I can't believe that in 10 weeks, I will have been blogging for 10 years. I am frequently asked how I got started blogging and reviewing books. It was rather simple, really. On January 1, 2007, I started this blog to keep track of my reading. A friend I had met on Frugal Reader, which was a book trading site, told me about Christian Fiction Blog Alliance and I signed up and began reviewing books. Before I knew it I was not only receiving books through CFBA, I was also getting books I hadn't requested. When I first started reviewing I knew maybe five Christian authors and their work. That number has increased ten times over. I have had the pleasure to read some author's debut novel, which has to be one of the most fun things ever. My favorite books of the year, and favorite authors grow by leaps and bounds. I can no longer just list my favorite 10 books of the year. I've gone to listing them based on genre, which is still difficult.

In the next 10 weeks I will be celebrating 10 years of my blog. I will be featuring some of my favorite books and their authors, along with giving away of one of my favorite books.

Starting tomorrow, October 24th, a copy of The Frontiersman's Daughter by Laura Frantz will be given away.
I will be sharing my reviews of Laura's books along with an interview of Laura.

Please stop by chat, and leave questions.

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Top Ten Tuesday . . . Books With Food In The Story

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