Wednesday, July 27, 2016

********GIVEAWAY******** THE RINGMASTER'S WIFE ***********GIVEAWAY***********

What is revealed when you draw back the curtain of the Greatest Show on Earth?

Rosamund Easling is no stranger to opulence. As the daughter of an earl, she’s grown up with every comfort money can buy. But when hard times befall the family’s Yorkshire estate in the aftermath of the Great War, Rosamund’s father sells her beloved horse, setting the stage for a series of events that would extend beyond even her wildest dreams.

Though expected to marry for a title instead of love, Rosamund feels called to a different life – one of adventure outside the confines of a ladies’ parlor. She abandons all she’s known and follows in pursuit as her horse is shipped to the new owner – an American entertainer by the name of John Ringling. Once introduced to the Ringling Brothers’ circus and knowing she has much to learn, Rosamund agrees to a bareback riding apprenticeship in the shadow of the Ringlings’ winter home—Ca’D’Zan. It is at that mansion, in what would become the last days of the enigmatic Mable Ringling’s life, that Rosamund finds a deeper sense of purpose in the life she’s been given, and the awakening of faith in her heart.

With a supporting cast of characters as mysterious and dazzling as the Ringlings’ big-top world, Rosamund’s journey takes her from the tradition of the English countryside to the last days of America’s Roaring ‘20s—a journey that forever changes what one life might have been.

I have an extra copy of this book and I am going to give it away. To enter tell me your favorite act at the circus along with your email address and I will use a randomizer to choose the winner. You must be a follower of my blog to enter. I will choose the winner on August 5th.

Thanks, and Good Luck!


Kristy Cambron said...

Can't wait to see what everyone would like to do in the circus! Me? I'd have been a circus artist, designing and painting circus posters, wagons, sets and props. How cool would that be?! ;) Best wishes for all who enter!

CentralEast2 said...

I love the clowns. centraleast2 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I always like the acrobat acts. So cool! Bcbartuska at gmail dot com

VictoryBelle said...

I've always been captivated by acrobats! I wish I could fly through the air with the greatest of ease like they do!
MissTadoodles at gmail dot com

BJM said...

I'm not a big fan of the circus, but I do like the acrobats.

Caryl Kane said...

I've never been to a circus. I would enjoy seeing the horses with their talented riders.
psalm103and138 at gmail dot com

Trixi said...

I like the Trapeze artists and the clowns always made me laugh! I haven't been to a circus in years! Thanks for the giveaway, I've just signed up to follow your blog and by Google too!

teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

LadyDy said...

I toured Ca'D'Zan last year...amazing place! Marble " back porch" looking out at the bay! Can't wait to read your book! I love the circus clowns!!

Elma brooks said...

Would love to read this book.I have never been to a circus in my life.never.Maybe I will one day.

Michelle said...

I like the tight rope walkers.
I was a child last time I went and I believe that's what they are called.

Winnie said...

I love the trapeze artists and tightrope walkers. They are amazing. I haven't been to the circus for ages. I've heard a lot of great things about this book!

Unknown said...

I love the acrobats but the overall circus atmosphere is my favorite!

bonton said...

I love the tigers and the trapeze artists!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity - love Kristy's books!!


Andi said...

I chose a winner but they never responded so, I am going to choose another winner. You will have 24 hours to respond to my email giving me your mailing address. Thanks!

Trixi said...

Just curious, who was your winner? :-)

Andi said...

Actually, Trixi you were, originally. I emailed you on Friday at 12:46pm mountain time, waited all weekend for you to respond thinking you may have gotten caught up in the Olympics. When I still had not received any response I chose,Caryl,and mailed the book today.

Trixi said...

I was?? Oh goodness gracious, I didn't get any email!! :-( I even just checked my spam mail folder but didn't see anything there either. I certainly would have responded right away....I am so sorry!! :-( I also made sure I posted the email address correctly on here and I did. I'm not sure what happened or why I didn't get any notification. Again, I am so very sorry!!

Andi said...

I'm sorry too! Must have gotten lost in the internet waste land. LOL Keep your eyes peeled I am going to offer up other books for giveaway.

Trixi said...

I'll be sure to keep my eye posted here for next time a book pops up I'd like to have, thanks Andie! :-)

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