Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Music-Themed Giveaway with Cynthia Ruchti

{More about Song of Silence}

Song of Silence (Abingdon, April 2016)
Music taught Lucy love and beauty. Could silence teach her hope?
Lucy and Charlie Tuttle agree on one thing: they’re committed to each other for life. Trouble is, neither of them expected life to look like this. Charlie retired early, but Lucy is devoted to a long-term career . . . until the day she has no choice.
Forced to retire from her position as music educator in a small Midwestern K-8 school, Lucy can only watch helplessly as the program her father started years ago disintegrates before her eyes. As the music fades and a chasm separates her form the passion of her heart, Lucy wonders if her faith’s song has gone silent, too. The musical score of her life seems to be missing all the notes.
When a simple misstep threatens to silence Lucy forever, a young boy and his soundless mother change the way she sees—and hears—everything.
Learn more and purchase a copy.

{More About Cynthia Ruchti}

Cynthia Ruchti tells stories hemmed in hope. She’s the award-winning author of 17 books and a frequent speaker for women’s ministry events. She serves as the Professional Relations Liaison for American Christian Fiction Writers, where she helps retailers, libraries, and book clubs connect with the authors and books they love. She lives with her husband in Central Wisconsin.
Find out more about Cynthia at

As the music fades and a chasm separates her from the passion of her heart, will Lucy's faith song go silent, too? Find out in Cynthia Ruchti's new book, Song of Silence. The musical score of her life seems to be missing all the notes. When a simple misstep threatens to silence Lucy forever, a young boy and his soundless mother change the way she sees—and hears—everything.

Celebrate the release of Song of Silence with a blog tour and giveaway. Two winners will be chosen!

song of silence - 400 

One grand prize winner will receive:

  • A copy of Song of Silence

  • A $150 Visa cash card

One second place winner will receive:

  • A copy of Song of Silence

  • A music-themed prize pack filled with goodies hand-picked by Cynthia

Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry! The giveaway ends on May 9th. The winners will be announced May 10th on Cynthia's blog.


My Thoughts~

I definitely related with Lucy. I know what it is like to have quiet and enjoy every minute of it, to have it interrupted with returning children back to the nest. Families are messy and noisy, that doesn't mean it's bad it's just what it is, and Lucy is experiencing noisy in spades. After loosing her job as a music teacher to cut backs she is home with time on her hands. 
The book flows from chapter to chapter with ease, I laughed out loud, and was brought to tears. This book will remain with me and I will be thinking about the characters for days to come. I know it's a good book when I start praying for the characters.
Highly recommended!!!


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