Sunday, July 19, 2015

Christian Fiction Publishing Nightmare

I am a book lover, my Mom taught me to read when I was three and from that moment on I was always found with a book in my hand, sometimes more than one, and I still read more than one at a time. Eight years ago I started this blog to keep track of my reading, I had no knowledge of review blogging, a friend who was a blogger told me about a couple of groups where I could receive a Christian Fiction book for free in exchange for a review. I was in book heaven and so began my career as a book reviewer.
In the last few years things have changed in regards to publishing. A few houses have decided to do away with their fiction line for a number of reasons, leaving authors within those houses to find a new publisher or to go the route of independent publishing.
As a reader and reviewer this entire publishing situation within Christian fiction breaks my heart and annoys me. Since I began reviewing in 2007 my entire goal has been to write honest reviews, support the author, and encourage them. Most of the authors I have had the pleasure of reviewing for have become friends. I have come to know them through their writing, interacted with them on social media, and interviewed them. When I think about them loosing a place to publish their work my heart aches for them because that is their livelihood, and most of the authors that I know didn't get into writing Christian fiction to make tons of money they are writing because they are called of God and they want to spread His message, however they still need to publish their work and with the state of the publishing world today that may or may not happen.
As a reviewer I have decided that I will continue to support Christian authors even if I never receive another free book, meaning I am willing to pay for the book read it and review it. These authors have touched my life in amazing ways and no matter what happens within the publishing world I will support them in any way I can.

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