Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Victim to Survivor

My story is featured on Tosca Lee's website. She asked for stories of inspiration, coming from defeat to victory, to help promote her soon to be released book The Legend of Sheba. This is my story . . .

As I was writing Legend of Sheba, it became quickly apparent to me that this would be a story about a woman who must transcend a difficult, even violent past to become queen. That this would be a book about rising up–from overwhelming circumstances, fear, loss, and life’s toughest challenges to a place beyond where we were before. As we count down the weeks to Sheba’s release, I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than to highlight the stories of those who have gotten up and risen. Prepare to be inspired.

Andie’s Story  

In 2008, I found out that my husband of 23 years had been having an affair. After I kicked him out because he had no desire to change or work on our marriage, my home went into foreclosure. My youngest daughter and I moved from Virginia to Nampa, Idaho to live with my parents. I was an angry mess. I hated him for what he did to me and to our three children.
Our new church in Nampa had Divorce Care Recovery, which my parents encouraged me to attend, but I didn’t believe that I needed it; I was two thousand miles away from him, I was okay. One night I finally gave in and went. It was the best thing I had ever done in my life. There were other people going through what I was, hurting, angry, needing to forgive but without the ability just yet. While in Divorce Care, I realized my ex had emotionally abused me for years. I couldn’t believe how stupid I was to stay and allow my children to experience that as well. Yet, I found myself becoming less and less angry. I began to smile and enjoy life in ways I didn’t think possible. The day I knew I had forgiven him was when my daughter told me he lost his job and I cried in the shower about it. That was the most freeing thing I had ever experienced.
In 2010, I met my husband, Mark. We dated for eight months and got married in June of 2011. We have a relationship that neither of us had in our previous marriages. God has definitely been involved since the beginning! He brought us together and I have not known such joy and peace. However, I know that had I not experienced what I did, I would not be the woman I am today.
-Andie T.

Tosca's web site

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