Thursday, August 29, 2013

Winter in Full Bloom - Anita Higman

About Winter in Full Bloom: Lily Winter's wings are folded so tightly around her daughter that when empty nest arrives, she feels she can no longer fly. But Lily's lonely, widowed life changes in a heartbeat when she goes to visit a woman who is almost a stranger to her---a woman who also happens to be her mother. During their fiery reunion, her mother reveals a dark family secret that she'd been hiding for decades---Lily has an identical twin sister who was put up for adoption when they were just babies.

Without looking back, Lily---with her fear of flying---boards a jumbo jet and embarks on a quest to find her sister which leads half way around the world to Melbourne, Australia. Befriended by imprudent Ausie, he might prove to be the key to finding her sister. But her journey becomes a circle that leads her back home to attempt a family reunion and to find the one dream she no longer imagined possible-the chance to fall in love again.

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Meet Anita: Best-selling and award-winning author, Anita Higman, has over thirty books published (several coauthored) for adults and children. She's been a Barnes & Noble "Author of the Month" for Houston and has a BA degree, combining speech communication, psychology, and art. Anita loves good movies, exotic teas, and brunch with her friends.

Connect with Anita at: 

Anita Higman's latest novel, Winter in Full Bloom, has just released. She's teamed up with her publisher, River North Fiction, for a fun giveaway and a Facebook Author Chat Party on August 29th.


One grand prize winner will receive:

  • A Kindle Fire HD

  • Winter in Full Bloom by Anita Higman

  • Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on August 28th.Winner will be announced August 29th at the Winter in Full Bloom Author Chat Party on Facebook. During the party Anita will be hosting a book chat, talking about family, announcing the winner of the Kindle Fire, and giving away a ton of books, gift certificates, and more. Oh, and she'll also be giving party goers an exclusive look at her next book.

    So grab your copy of Winter in Full Bloom and join Anita on the evening of August 29th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the book, don’t let that stop you from coming!)


    My Thoughts:

    Adoption, secrets, Australia, empty-nest, new love, Anita Higman brings all of this to life in her latest book Winter in Full Bloom. You will truly fall in love with Lily, her daughter Julie, her twin sister Camille, and Marcus. These characters and story will stick with you long after you close the last page.

    After Lily Winter's mother tells her about a letter she received from her twin sister who she put up for adoption, Lily embarks on a trip to Australia to find Camille. Lily doesn't like to fly, and while sitting on the tarmac she asks God for back up, across the aisle is a little girl who realizes Lily is scared to death to fly, and begins to talk to her. Jenny is super cute, and is able to help Lily relax.

    Once Lily arrives in Australia, she is on the hunt to find her twin sister. With no luck at the church that is close to her hotel, she walks around the botanical garden that is close to her hotel. When she sits on a park bench and Marcus, who looks like a bum, sits down next to her, she is curious, but not alarmed. Something about being away from home, and being hurt by her mother, Lily opens up to him, and he not only becomes her tour guide, he is going to help her find her sister.

    I am not going to say any more, because I do not want to ruin the story.
    This is a beautiful story of love, forgiveness, and healing. I loved this story from beginning to end. I hope this is just the beginning and we will see more of these endearing characters.

    I highly recommend! 

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