Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Des Hometowns

Des, Hometown dates.

First up is Zak, our naked Texan. He starts talking about some crazy dream he had, I couldn’t understand or follow it. He leaves Des on a bench and comes back with the family snow cone truck.
Des goes with the flow and gets in the truck.
Zak’s family is way, way out there. His mom has roses on the table and tells Des she could give Zak a rose right now and end the show.
His family serenades her. Oh my goodness I would be out of that house like a shot!!
Des and Zak go outside and he has a gift for her that he bought in Atlantic City. It is a ring in a antique box, and he wants her to keep this, and he tells her that he loves her.

On to Arizona for Drew’s, Jake’s mini-me hometown; they go to pick up his very handicapped sister, Melissa, and Des is super sweet with her. They all go back to his parent’s home for dinner.
His dad talks to Des alone and asked if she believed in angels and she said yes, he then asked if she had seen one and she said no, he then told her about Melissa and what she has taught them and that she had met an angel today. Des loves his family and says that she doesn’t want to leave. Drew tells her that he loves her and that he wants her to be apart of his family.

Next up is Chris the poet, in Oregon. Chris picks flowers for her. They go to a baseball diamond, play catch and hit baseballs. After batting practice she shows him some pictures she has sketches she has done of their relationship so far. She says it is important for his family to like her.
Chris’ dad toasts to everyone, his toast is a little out there. He then asks Des if she’d like an adjustment. Yea dude, I just met you and I’m going to allow you to give me an adjustment . . . NOT!!!
His family didn’t like Chris’ last girlfriend and so he is worried that they won’t like her. Chris tells his mom how natural everything is with them, and that Des’ independence really appealed to him.
His family approved, and loved her. She didn’t want to leave him. Sooner or later Des, you will have to make a choice. You can’t have all of them.

Onto Mormon country for Brooks, hometown, with the Mormon temple in the background Brooks is walking up a hill, and they run to each other. They are sitting on the grass and Des pulls out a paper that she has fashioned into a rose. You can tell she is trying to make Brooks feel better, since she is dating more than one guy and she knows this makes him uncomfortable. Uh – hello . . . most of us wouldn’t agree to it in the least. In the rose she has written down all of their special moments. The first date, the bridal shop him carrying her over the threshold, at the Hollywood sign, finishing each other’s sentences, his broken finger, up in the clouds, meeting his family. They go out on a lake in a canoe, Brooks tries to get closer to Des, and they tip and take on water, and Des doesn’t even get upset. They walk to his parent’s house. Des has a gift; she didn’t give a gift at any of the other hometowns. This family is HUGE!!! They are all wearing name tags which is just hilarious.
The family is so large you immediately have the sense that they are Mormon.
His mother loved Des, and said that they all trust his judgment.
Des says that they have all been great and one of the family members says “don’t let this be a huge waste of time.” Brooks says “we gotta go, love you guys.” It was really cute.
He doesn’t want her to leave, he wants her to stay.

He’s back . . . Des’ brother, who ruined it with Sean. They are in LA and things are very tense. She is trying to tell him who each of them are and why she likes them. He wants to get in their heads, she says no, because she doesn’t know what would come out of his mouth. UH me too! She says that she will consider allowing him to talk to them.  I agree 110%!! I would not let him near the guys.

Enter Chris Harrison for a heart to heart with Des about the week, and she says again that she loves Brooks, but he hasn’t said it to her, she says that they get each other so she is able to be more confident with him.

Rose Ceremony, Des says the one going home tonight will be completely shocked!
1st up Brooks
2nd Chris
3rd will be Drew! Zak’s little gift was too fast and overwhelming.
Knew it!!!!

Des is in tears as she tells Zak good-bye, telling him that she just isn’t in the same place he is and that she shouldn’t keep the ring he gave her, it was such a sweet gesture.
Zak is confused in the limo, saying he feels numb.

Next week is the reunion show. I can see fist’s flying! Oh boy here we go!

In two weeks, Des will be with the last three and have to choose two. The guys are in love, and who will be the last two. She is in tears again.

Bloopers, a game between Des and Drew with his family called Drew + Des = Destiny. Similar to the newlywed game they must guess the way the other would answer. Cheesy but cute.

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