Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rebekah by Jill Eileen Smith - Reviewed

Book Blurb:
Can love heal the rift between two souls?
When her beloved father dies and she is left in the care of her conniving brother Laban, Rebekah knows her life has changed forever. Though she should be married by now, it’s clear that Laban is dragging his feet, waiting for a higher bride-price to line his pockets. But then Rebekah is given a chance to leave her home to marry Isaac, a cousin she has never even seen, and her hope for the future is restored. Little does she know what a wondrous and heart-wrenching journey she is beginning.
As Rebekah experiences the joy of young love and the bitterness of misunderstanding and betrayal, her resolve is tested. When the rift between Isaac and her grows so wide it is surely too great to be mended, can she trust the God of Isaac’s father Abraham to bridge the gap?

Jill Eileen Smith

Jill Eileen Smith is the author of the bestselling Michal, Abigail, and Bathsheba, all part of The Wives of King David series, and of Sarai, book 1 in the Wives of the Patriarchs series. Her writing has garnered acclaim in several...

My Thoughts:

As expected of Jill she has written a story that has you glued to the page. As Rebekah waits to get betrothed and her brother Laban is only out for his own gain my heart ached for her. When she is finally wed to Isaac I was cheering. The love that her and Isaac share is beautiful and full of joy. You can feel it through the pages.
As she longs for a child I wept with her. When she finally gets pregnant there is triumph, and I found myself going back to scripture to read the story in Genesis. I couldn't imagine the difficulty that she must have gone through having those two babies struggling inside her body. 
When Rebekah receives the vision about the twins that the older would serve the younger things change dramatically. The love that she and Isaac has shared seem to have vanished. Just like the love that Sarah and Abraham had, once Abraham bound Isaac on that altar. 
Through Jill's pen you see how the heritage from father to son is passed down. Isaac was afraid he and Rebekah would be like his father and Sarah. Sadly, because Isaac did not believe the vision that Rebekah had about Esau and Jacob a rift happened just like what happened between his father and Sarah. 
This is a book you don't want to miss! I give it a Lighthouse for pointing a path to God!

Join best-selling author Jill Eileen Smith as she presents ten facts and/or possibilities you might not know about the Patriarch Isaac's wife Rebekah. Do you have a question about the people in the Bible you've always wanted to ask? Jill will take questions about biblical characters, biblical fiction, and about any of her books in the Wives of the Patriarchs or Wives of King David series. So please, plan to join us!
Jill Smith will be the featured guest on a Live interactive Video Chat Session sponsored by “Shindig” on Tuesday February 19th at 7:00 pm EST!!  It’s free to attend, and you can meet Jill and ask any questions you have for her!  Go here to RSVP and find out more details about this event.  

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