Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow - Reviewed

Book Blurb

The whole world is coming to Chicago. Charlotte’s whole world is coming down around her.
While the rest of Chicago focuses on the enormous spectacle of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition, Charlotte Farrow’s attentions are entirely on one small boy-her boy-whom she has kept a secret from her wealthy employers for nearly a year.
When the woman who has been caring for her son abruptly returns him to the opulent Banning home, Charlotte must decide whether to come clean and face dismissal or keep her secret while the Bannings decide the child’s fate. Can she face the truth of her past and open her heart to a future of her own? Or will life’s struggles determine her path?
This compelling story of courage, strength, and tender romance captures the tension between the glittering wealthy class and the hardworking servants who made their lives comfortable.

My Thoughts:

I didn't read the first book in the series and that would've probably helped.
When Charlotte's son, Henry is dropped off at the home of the Bannings who she works for Charlotte is beside herself as to what to do. Penard the head of the staff, assigns Sarah the new maid in training to take care of Charlotte's son. Sarah, thinks she has this nanny thing down, the truth is she couldn't take care of a guppy by herself. She continues to refer to Henry as it, and has no love or compassion toward the child. Sarah's treating of Henry, kills Charlotte but there is nothing she can do about it. Lucy, would've helped her, but she was with her new husband, Will on their honeymoon in France.
So many times I wanted to smack Sarah, for calling Henry "IT"  and I wanted to give Charlotte the courage to say that Henry was her son. Archie was a true hero for Charlotte.

*Available January 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group*

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