Monday, October 1, 2012

A Love Surrendered - Reviewed

Book Blurb:

Orphaned in Iowa, Annie Kennedy moves to Boston to stay with her spinster aunt. She longs for romance to fill the void left by her parents' death. But when she falls hard for Steven O'Connor, the man who broke an engagement to her sister, Annie is worried. Will he break her heart too when he discovers who she really is?

My Thoughts:

I just can't believe that the O'Connor's series has come to a close. Sniff  I remember my introduction to the O'Connor family, and Julie with a Passion Most Pure. I don't think I have ever held my breath or laughed so hard in my life. Julie creates characters you love and they become ones you just can't forget even after you've closed the last page.

A Love Surrendered is Steven's story, he is a Prohibition officer determined to stay on the straight and narrow after his relationship with Maggie ended and his father almost died. That may be possible if a young new "kid" hadn't arrived on the scene. Annie is young, beautiful and full of spunk. Steven is determined to keep her from falling into the bad crowd, can he keep himself from falling in love with her?

Annie falls hard for hunky Steven O'Connor, and what's not to like about this handsome Irishman.

Annie, Grace, Susannah . . . is fresh of the farm and definitely not ready for the city. She has no idea what she's gotten herself into and when she realizes who Steven is, will it change everything?

What is wonderful about this entire series from Passion Most Pure to this book, is that Julie weaves the struggles the characters have within their relationships and their faith. Whether it's between the parents to the children, siblings to siblings, romantically, even between the cousins. You get to see them grow in their faith.

Highly recommended!!!!!

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