Saturday, June 16, 2012

Praying God's Word for Your Husband - Kathi Lipp

Book Blurb: 
Women often offer up polite prayers to God without any real hope of seeing change in their marriage, their husbands, or themselves. Kathi Lipp directs women to Scripture and shows wives how to pray God's Word boldly and in full confidence of seeing God-sized results. With a light touch and an approachable style, Lipp shows women what a blessing it is to pray for their husbands, addressing specific concerns, like praying for his parenting career and finances relationship with God and others emotional health future and more Lipp shows readers how to stop feeling helpless and start making a difference in their husbands' lives through bold, expectant prayer, whether they are new believers or have been walking with God for years.

My Thoughts:  I found this book to be very formatted, and regimented as far as praying for my husband. Maybe it is because I am in my second marriage and during my divorce and healing process I did a lot of learning about marriage and relationships and know more about what God requires from both the husband and the wife.
In praying for my husband I am not regimented or formatted, God lays on my heart what I need to pray for him, and I do, and I believe if we are in tune with God as we should be He will guide us to how we should pray.
I would recommend this book for a newlywed, someone who is just starting out.
Available June 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group

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