Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Beautiful Wife - Reviewed

About the Book:
The Beautiful Wife uses these inspiring stories along with biblical principles to guide and encourage any wife looking for God's best in her marriage. The Beautiful Wife answers serious questions women have about their roles as wives. Discussing everything from romance and money to beauty, communication, and sex, Sandy challenges women to open up and share their journeys so that together they can see God's plan for their marriages. "It is my passion to help women discover God's heart for their marriage, just as the other women helped me," writes Sandy. "When women share with each other the details of their journeys with God as wives, it's a beautiful thing indeed." The Beautiful Wife has two companion resources - Prayer Journal and Mentor's Guide.

About Sandy Ralya:
Sandy Ralya is the founder and director of Beautiful Womanhood, a marriage mentoring ministry based near Grand Rapids, Mich. Her marriage testimony was the focus of a popular three-day interview on FamilyLife Today, TV's Walking by Faith, and Time Out for Women. Sandy is a sought-after speaker, presenting Beautiful Womanhood seminars to hundreds of women each year at MOPS groups, women's retreats, and church leadership conferences across the country and in Canada. Sandy and her husband Tom have been married since 1980, and have a growing number of grandchildren.

Link to buy the book:

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Video Links:

Sandy's Testimony

Beautiful Womanhood Ministry

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My Thoughts: A little personal background on me so you know where I am coming from. I am 9 months into my second marriage and I know more about marriage now then I did when I married my first husband in 1985. I was married the first time for 23 yrs, have 3 children from that marriage, he was in the Navy, he committed adultery of which I didn't know until my oldest daughter told me which led to our divorce. I spent time healing and learning about myself before I even considered dating let alone marriage.
I realize as I write this review I am going to be the ODD one out. I am not a fan of this book or it's material. Marriage is 110% on both parties YET we have probably 200+ books out there for the women on how to be a better Christian wife and maybe a handful for the men. What's up with that???? I give kudos to the author of Courageous and those who wrote the study for the men. It's about TIME! I really believe that when husbands do their job it makes it easier for women to be what God called them to be. I know this first hand. My first husband wasn't a man of God, wasn't the spiritual leader, left everything to me, I struggled and hated it! Now, I have a man of God who is the spiritual leader and it is very easy to walk beside him and let him have the lead as God has designed.
The only thing I found helpful was the prayer journal, but I didn't need that as I use a beautiful journal my husband gave me for a prayer journal.
In my heart I don't believe I can honestly recommend this book. It focuses too much on what the woman needs to do to be "perfect" that doesn't sit well with me.

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