Saturday, October 29, 2011

Maggie's Journey ~ Reviewed - & GIVEAWAY!!!!! In honor of November's Adoption month!!!!

Book Description:
On her eighteenth birthday, Margaret Lenora Caine finds a chest hidden in the attic containing proof that she’s adopted. The spoiled daughter of wealthy merchants in Seattle, she feels betrayed by her real parents and by the ones who raised her. But mystery surrounds her new discovery, and when Maggie uncovers another family secret, she loses all sense of identity. Leaving her home in Seattle, Washington, Maggie strikes out to find her destiny. Will Charles Stanton, who’s been in love with her for years, be able to help her discover who she really is?

My Thoughts: I am an adopted child and this book was hard at points and was touching in others. Maggie doesn't understand why her mother Florence treats her so badly. She loves to design dresses and her mother despises that. Florence doesn't even delight in her daughter. Maggie begins to wonder if there is something wrong with her. Just before her 18th birthday party Maggie goes up to the attic to look through old dresses that she knew her grandmother had made for her mother. In searching for the dresses she finds a trunk that holds a picture of a woman that looks just like her with curly hair, and a piece of paper with signatures denoting that she was adopted. She is confused, heartbroken, and betrayed. I found myself along with Maggie bawling. I have always know that I was adopted. I do know others whose parents didn't tell them and I know the pain that caused them. After Maggie's birthday party Maggie goes to Arkansas to see her grandmother and during that trip she gets answers to a lot of questions that most adoptee's have. Lena does a great job with this book in showing the pain that most adoptive kids go through in not knowing who they are. I highly recommend this one!

I have a giveaway copy. To enter you MUST be a follower of my blog and say so in your comment. To receive an additional entry you can blog about this giveaway and come back and leave an additional comment. You can also tweet about this and come back and leave an additional comment. This is open to U.S. only. This will start today, Saturday, October 29th and I will use a randomizer on Saturday, November 19th.

Good luck!!!!!!


Melanie said...

I follow your blog! Would love to win!

frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

Martha Lawson said...

Old gfc follower

This sounds great, enter me please.

Debs Desk said...

I follower your blog and would love to read this book.

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I follow by google reader and I would love to read this book.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Wendy Newcomb said...

I am a follower on GFC.


Wendy Newcomb said...

I posted this on my blog at:


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