Monday, November 15, 2010

Exposed: A Novel

Allyson Graham, marriage counselor and lover of love, lived a life of romance few could imagine. Until her husband's secret addiction stared at her from the computer screen. Will she be able to forgive the man who lied to her all of those precious years? Follow her painful story alongside the heartbreaking story of Taylor Adams, a young girl searching for her worth in the world. As Allyson struggles to forgive her husband for lying about his addiction, Taylor naively falls into the same self-destructive industry and discovers that the attention and fun is nothing like she thought it would be. Discover the hearts of these two women as they search for beauty after the rain.

My Thoughts: As a woman whose former husband has an addiction to porn, I could not identify with Ally. She was a woman claiming to be a Christian and just continued to allow her anger to eat her alive. There didn't seem to be any end to her montage. It was over 200 pages before Ally actually started to allow God be the lover of her heart and begin to extend some forgiveness to her husband. I really was able to have compassion and understanding for Taylor. She was a girl who had such low self-esteem and when she answered the ad in the newspaper she really thought she was going to be a model, little did she know what she was getting herself into. I have to give Ally props for keeping the story building until the end and showing how destructive this industry is on both sides of the spectrum. I do recommend this book, I highly caution that this book is not for those who have no interest in getting down and dirty, meaning this book is straight up and true to what is real in the porn world, and what is happening to the men that we love, and to our young girls who are seeking love and acceptance so please take that into consideration when you read this book.

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