Monday, August 30, 2010

Choosing To See by MaryBeth Chapman & Ellen Vaughn

Book Description: From the beginning, Mary Beth Chapman's life was not how she planned. All she wanted was a calm, peaceful life of stability and control. Instead, God gave her an award-winning singer/songwriter husband, crazy schedules, and a houseful of creatively rambunctious children. Most difficult of all, God's plans for her also included tragedy.

In Choosing to SEE, Mary Beth unveils her struggle to allow God to write the story of her life, both the happy chapters and the tragic ones. And as the story unfolds, she's been forced to wrestle with some of life's biggest questions: Where is God when things fall apart? Why does God allow terrible things to happen? How can I survive hard times?

No matter where you find yourself in your own life story, you will treasure the way Mary Beth shows that even in the hard times, there is hope if you choose to SEE.

My Thoughts: This is an absolutely beautiful and touching book of a mother who has gone through something no mother wants to go through, the death of a child. Mary Beth pours her heart onto the pages, and allows us to see what she went through at the loss of Maria and how God took her from the dark places into light. Only God could've been the eyes that Mary Beth needed. No matter what your struggle or where you are this is a beautiful testimony of how God can take something completely horrible and use it to stregthen and make us better for Him. I highly recommend it!

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