Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pres. Obama Wins The Nobel Peace Prize REALLY SERIOUSLY????

I use to say that nothing surprises me anymore as a mother of 3 daughters, ranging in age from 22-16. Now that Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize I may change that. This is just completely utterly ridiculous! What in the world has he done to deserve to win this prestigious award . . . . NOTHING! In his 263 days in office he has done nothing but . . . take our military men and women from one hot spot IRAQ to another AFGHANISTAN. He's created the WORST health care bill ever in our U.S. History; and I've read it! He has done NOTHING to lower our UN -EMPLOYMENT percentage . . . it's gone up! It's the highest it's been in our Nation EVER! He has spent more money bailing out banks and going on vacation with his family than doing what he needs to do as a President. I guess that is what you get when you elect a Community Organizer as President. And for the record . . . I didn't vote for him, or McCain I wrote in BON JOVI, I felt as if he would do a better job and I still believe that TODAY!


The Speaker of the upper house, Sergei Mironov, called the award premature.
"Obama, with all his virtues, has not been active in world politics for long enough for people to able to say with a clear conscience 'yes, he deserves it'".
However, he said Obama, "with his colossal potential to influence global affairs" is in a good position to justify the award.
"Let's hope it works out that way," he said.
Yury Ushakov, who served as Russia's ambassador to the United States for nine years, said he "would never have expected" Obama would get the peace prize.

Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman"He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan ... We condemn the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for Obama."

Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas official"Obama has a long way to go still and lots of work to do before he can deserve a reward. Obama only made promises and did not contribute any substance to world peace."

I think it's quite clear that our allies are not very supportive of him winning this award. It's very pre-mature, and undeserving. For me it's just another clear cut way for us as Americans to really take a look at our leaders and their agendas. We may not be able to take back the election however we can make better choices about what is going on in D.C. and in our own government where we live.


M.A.D. said...

Mary D

Actually, Bon Jovi wasn't a bad choice - he's done a lot. I'm with you, it does seem rather premature to be handing PO a Nobel, but maybe I'm just not well enough informed?

Sometimes, again to moi, politics looks more and more like a high-school rich kids' clique than anything else lol.

Leslie said...

completely agree! thanks for sharing!

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