Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Book Description: Susie wakes up after a party knowing something isn't right. When she discovers she is pregnant but has no idea who the father is, she decides to place her baby for adoption with an infertile couple from church. Following through ends up being more challenging than she'd imagined. But she wants to do the right thing. If only Jeff would quit trying to marry her so she'll keep her baby! Why doesn't he understand? It's not about him; it's about what's best for her child. Meanwhile, a man shows up in her life that looks irritatingly familiar. Could he be the father?

My Thoughts: I am adopted and this is the first book that I have read with the point of view focused on the birth mother and the couple adopting the baby. All of the emotions in the story were real and raw. I felt everyone of them. What is great about what Michelle Sutton is that she isn't afraid to write about what is real. This stuff is really going on in our YA today and she writes about it honestly and right in your face! I didn't want to put the book down! This is an absolutely beautiful story. It shows that an birth mother and the adopted family can work together for the good of the child. This is a definite must read, it's one of my top 10 for the year! I give it a lighthouse and shine a light on it for pointing a path to God!

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