Friday, September 25, 2009


Thanks to Hachette Publishing I have 5 copies of this book to giveaway. This contest is open to U.S. and Canada residents only, and no P.O. boxes. To enter just leave a comment along with your e-mail address or your nickname from a networking site. IF YOU DO NOT LEAVE ME A E-MAIL ADDRESS, YOUR NICKNAME FROM FR OR ANOTHER NETWORKING SITE YOUR COMMENT WILL BE DELETED! To receive an extra entry 1. follow me on Twitter - AndiNewberry - 2. follow my blog 3. post this contest on your blog or tweet about it on twitter and then leave a comment with the link. Post an extra comment for each. If you are already a follower say so in your original comment.

This contest will start today, Friday, September 25th and end on Friday, October 9th. Where I will use a randomizer to draw the 5 winners. They will have 48 hours from being notified of their winning to give me their mailing information or I will draw another winner(s).

Good Luck!


Marjorie/cenya2 said...

Please count me in for this great giveaway, the review is excellent.
I am a google follower.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Jonnie (JB) said...

Please enter me. This book looks great!

mindy said...

looks like a great read thanks minsthins at optonline dot net

Kelly said...

This book sounds SO fascinating. I'd love to win a copy! :)

krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Please count me in.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

+1 Tweeted

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

+1 Twitter Follower

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

+1 Follow of blog

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Christopher said...

I'd love to be entered in this...

My E-mail is
My FR Username is Venomn

D Q said...

This sounds like a great read. Please enter my name in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.

LittleEagle said...

I would like to win this book.


Molly C. said...

This books sounds like it would be very interesting. Would love the chance to win a copy!

mcapel4444 at

Molly C. said...

This books sounds like it would be very interesting. Would love the chance to win a copy!

mcapel4444 at

DarcyO said...

Please include me in this great giveaway.

+1 I'm a follower with Google reader.

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

Estela said...

I'd love a chance to win this book! Thanks!!

easagredo at yahoo dot com

Stitchin in the Sip said...

I have heard and read such great things about The Historian. Please enter me in giveaway!!!


Luvdaylilies said...

I so want to read this book, please count me in=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

M.A.D. said...

Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

I have been so wanting to read/win the Historian - it's on my Christmas Wish List :)

Thanks for the chance

M.A.D. said...

Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

And I just signed up to follow in Google :)

Jennifer said...

This book looks great, thanks for the giveaway!


Mishia said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Reading said...

Please enter me. Thanks for the chance.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

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