Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Great Eight by Scott Hamilton

Book Description

Olympic Gold Medal figure skater Scott Hamilton shares his eight secrets to finding happiness in the face of a life filled with challenges, difficulties, and career-canceling odds.

With never-been-told, behind-the-scenes stories from the skating world, personal challenges including testicular cancer and a brain tumor, as well as divine miracles, Olympic Gold Medal figure skater Scott Hamilton shares the secrets to his lifelong journey to find the silver (and gold) lining in the clouds of life. His life principles, fashioned into eight secrets that begin with the rote of learning to skate the figure 8, are the keys. Scott says, "Skating taught me how to be happy. I have always kept these eight as my own private, personal secrets that I practiced daily with repetition, focus, and discipline. Now I want to share them with the world."

My Review:

I have been a huge fan of figure skating since I was a little girl. I watched Scott Hamilton win Gold in 84. I have been down the street in Denver, Colorado that is named after him. He is an athletic icon. He's been in the spotlight with his health. This book is wonderfully written, and it's from the heart. It really doesn't matter whether you're going through something or not this book is for anyone, at anytime in their life. Graduation is right around the corner and I believe this book would be a perfect gift for all those graduating. I give this book a lighthouse and shine a light on it!

1 comment:

Carole said...

I love to watch figure skating and have followed Scott Hamilton from the beginning. He is a good person and has done so much to elevate the skating world. I was glad to see your review of his book and hope to eventually read it.

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