Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Blog Tour Galway Bay by Mary Pat Kelly & Book Give Away


Book Description : Here at last is one Irish family's epic journey, capturing the tragedy and triumph of the Irish-American experience. In a rousing tale that echoes the myths and legends of Ireland herself, young Honora Keeley and Michael Kelly wed and start a family, inhabiting a hidden Ireland where fishermen and tenant farmers find solace in their ancient faith, songs, stories, and communal celebrations. Selling both their catch--and their crops--to survive, these people subsist on the potato crop--their only staple food. But when blight destroys the potatoes three times in four years, a callous government and uncaring landlords turn a natural disaster into The Great Starvation that will kill one million. Honora and Michael vow their children will live. The family joins two million other Irish refugees in one of the greatest rescues in human history: the Irish Emigration to America. Danger and hardship await them there. Honora and her unconventional sister Maire watch their seven sons as they transform Chicago from a frontier town to the "City of the Century", fight the Civil War, and enlist in the cause of Ireland's freedom. The Kelly clan is victorious. This heroic story sheds brilliant light on the ancestors of today's 44 million Irish Americans.

Author's web site: http://www.marypatkelly.com/content/index.asp

My Review: This book is an epic. It reminded me so much of Gone With The Wind. If you enjoy those types of books that sweep you away to another time and place, then this is the book for you.

I have an extra copy of this book. I was sent two by mistake. If you like to be entered into the drawing just comment on this post. This is only for U.S. residents only. The contest will start today and run until April 1st, Wednesday when I will use a random number selector to pick the winner. If you are from FR leave your Id and @ FR and I will know how to contact you. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me with their mailing address or I will chose another winner.

Good Luck!


Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Don't enter me, I'm on the tour too! I think I used the word "epic" in my review too. The book was simply great, wasn't it?

Toni said...

Hi there.. I am on the Tour also.. stopping by everyone's blogs. I agree it is reminiscent of Gone with The Wind. And if you have not read it.. the sequel "Scarlett".... Nice Review.

Carole said...

I don't think I would have ever noticed this book except for your review. My mother read a lot of epic family sagas, but I haven't read any in years. This sounds like one that I would really enjoy. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

Anonymous said...

Andi, Please include me in the chance to win.

JoanneR/Joanne FR

Anonymous said...

Hi! Please enter me in the drawing. This looks like a great book! :)

ConnieJ at Frugal Reader

KR said...

I'd love to read this1

mindy said...

sounds wonderful thanks for the giveaway

lilbabypug said...

enter me please. looks like a good read


please include me

techyone said...

I love epics. Thanks for the review. It made me really want to read this book.

Deborah said...

I'm ready to be swept away on an epic adventure...ok, so I'm too tired to have my own, but I'd enjoy reading Honora's and Michael's! asthenight at gmail dot com

scottsgal said...

Sounds great - please count me in as well.

msboatgal at aol dot com

Unknown said...

It sounds like my kind of book.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I saw this book reviewed on another site and thought it sounded so good!! Sort of like Angela's Ashes which I loved.

Thanks for entering me!! Pam

(aliadam from FR)

Debs Desk said...

Please include me in your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

i would love to be entered in this giveaway! I have been hearing too many nice things about this book and i definitely want to read it now!


CherylS22 said...

I really want to read this book - please count me in!


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