Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday's Thoughts

When I first created this blog I created it because a friend of mine had made one for keeping track of her reading, and she challenged me to do the same. Then I met Deborah of - books, movies, and Chinese food - on Frugal Reader, and she told me how to become apart of Christian Fiction reading and reviewing. I have really enjoyed being apart of CFBA, and now FIRST blog alliance. My blog now is to promote Christ, FIRST AND FOREMOST! When I post a blog tour and review, it is not up for an author, especially one not being toured, to come in and post their publishing propaganda! I have nothing to do with that part of the process, and especially if you haven't read the book! Now, if you've read the book I'm touring and reviewed then by all means PLEASE post your comments. Otherwise please don't!
Thank you for your understanding!

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