Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Echoes Among the Stones by Jamie Jo Wright - Reviewed

About the book:

Title: Echoes Among the Stones
Author: Jamie Jo Wright
Publisher: Bethany House
Genre: Inspirational Historical Romantic Suspense
Release Date: December 3, 2019

After Aggie Dunkirk's career is unceremoniously ended by her own mistakes, she finds herself traveling to Wisconsin, where her grandmother, Mumsie, lives alone in her vintage, though very outdated, home. Aggie didn't plan for how eccentric Mumsie has become, obsessing over an old, unsolved crime scene--even going so far as to re-create it in a dollhouse.

Mystery seems to follow Aggie when she finds work as a secretary helping to restore the flooded historical part of the town's cemetery. Forced to work with a puzzling yet attractive archaeologist, she exhumes the past's secrets and unwittingly uncovers a crime that some will go to any length to keep hidden--even if that means silencing Aggie.

In 1946, Imogene Grayson works in a beauty salon but has her sights set on Hollywood. But coming home to discover her younger sister's body in the attic changes everything. Unfamiliar with the burgeoning world of forensic science and, as a woman, not particularly welcomed into the investigation, Imogene is nonetheless determined to stay involved. As her sister's case grows cold, Imogene vows to find justice . . . no matter the cost.

Purchase a copy, HERE!

About Jamie Jo Wright

Professional coffee drinker & Daphne du Maurier and Christy Award Winning author, Jaime Jo Wright resides in the hills of Wisconsin writing spirited romantic suspense stained with the shadows of history. Coffee fuels her snarky personality. She lives in Neverland with her Cap’n Hook who stole her heart and will not give it back, their little fairy Tinkerbell, and a very mischievous Peter Pan. The foursome embark on scores of adventure that only make her fall more wildly in love with romance and intrigue. Jaime lives in dreamland, exists in reality, and invites you to join her adventures at jaimejowright.com

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My Thoughts:

It took me a little while to get into this book, I think it was because so much was going on at the beginning. But once I connected with the characters I couldn't put the book down. Jamie Jo Wright is literally the queen of creepy, fascinating, historical, romantic mysteries within inspirational fiction. 

She placed so many red herrings within the story that every time I thought I had solved the mystery I was wrong yet again. Even when a big reveal happened I was still wrong. 

Everyone of the characters were quirky and charming in their own way. Mumsie has to be the best fictional grandmother, ever. Watching Aggie and Mumsie's relationship develop made me miss my sweet Grandmother. 

This quote "Death didn't give a person a choice. It just came and stole. Whether you'd finished what you wanted to do with your life or not. Death was a thief, and there was no justice that could imprison it from stealing again," couldn't be more true. 

Overall, this book is one of the best books I've read this year. It is engrossing, edge of your seat action, fascinating, and filled with inspirational nuggets like this one, that will have you reflecting on grief as a whole. 
"You go ahead and let the grief consume you, because then it will heal you, free you and the good Lord can move into its place and show you promise. Promise that there is so much more life to live. So many more people to love. And the footprints of those who've gone before you? They'll still be there. Memories to warm you when you're old."

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book via the publisher. I was not required to write a review all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

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