Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Going Back Cold by Kelley Rose Waller - Reviewed

About the book:

Title: Going Back Cold
Author: Kelley Rose Waller
Publisher Versive Press

After the unexpected stillbirth loss of her daughter, physicist Dr. Jane Whyse feels as empty and lifeless as the landscape that surrounds her on the remote Antarctic base where she and her husband work. As the geniuses of PROJECT SPLIT HORIZON pursue faster-than-light travel, Jane begins to secretly wonder if there is an opportunity to use the piezoelectronic technology she’s created to time travel. What if she could somehow undo the loss of her daughter? Jane's honest, ugly struggles to understand God’s sovereign plan for all of time and space in the midst of raw pain leave her questioning everything. The more success she finds in her scientific career—and the closer she may be to a chance to fix the worst day of her life, the more conflict she finds in her marriage and in her own heart. Can she seek healing from this devastating loss while she tries to play god? Jane must choose between faith in a God whose mercies are new every morning, or coldly turning away.

Purchase a copy HERE

About Kelley Rose Waller:

Kelley writes fiction to imagine new life experiences. Her second novel, Going Back Cold, released on October 1, 2019. 

Her debut novel, The Senator's Youngest Daughter, was released in 2016. This conservative adventure pits a young woman and her family against a media tycoon backed by the president of a very different United States.

Kelley's day job as a marketing strategist offers her the opportunity to write and plan for clients in diverse fields. Kelley and her husband are Pennsylvania foster parents. Kelley lives and writes to uplift and glorify the name of Jesus Christ.

Kelley is a ridiculous fan of science fiction and board games. She has a B.A. in English and lives in Lancaster, PA, with her husband, three sons, and their dog.

My Thoughts:

This book was completely outside of my norm as far as what I would normally gravitate to. With that said it was a good read. The scientific stuff was way above my head which I kind of expect with a sci-fi book. 
I love snarky female leads and Jane has that in spades. I could identify with Jane because like her I've lost a child. During my last pregnancy I had what is known as silent twin syndrome. My son was tucked behind my daughter and he didn't survive. We didn't know about him until after I passed a clot after delivery. 
This was a good read. I will warn you that there is some language but it fits within the story. Ms. Waller does a good job of showing the faith element too.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book via the publisher. I was not required to write a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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