Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday; Books That Changed My Mind

Happy Tuesday and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday sponsored by That Artsy Reader Girl. Today's topic is books out of my comfort zone that I enjoyed. My reading tastes are very eclectic and that's impart because I've tried books out of my comfort zone and I like them. And we all know that that means our to be read pile increases by leaps and bounds.

Fantasy and Sci-Fi are the two big genres, especially within Christian fiction has become some of my most favorite books to read.

I'm also not a huge fan of Christmas books, in general. For me they've always seemed like a Hallmark greeting card, too perfect. Chautona Havig's Christmas Embers gave me a story that had the feel good of Christmas with loads of real life.

Now, it's your turn. . . What books changed your mind? Let me know in the comments . . .


Chautona said...

Aw, thanks for including Christmas Embers. It isn't your candy cane Christmas story, but I think too much sugar gets old after a while.

And Alana Terry's Out of North Korea changed my opinion on First Person/Present Tense. It CAN be done so well you don't notice. Rare, but she proved you can.

Tamara Leigh said...

Thank you, Andi! So glad you enjoyed Dreamspell--and what fabulous company to be in!

MeezCarrie said...

great list!!!

Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate Reviewed

About the book: Title: Shelterwood Author: Lisa Wingate  Genre: Christian Historical Fiction, Dual-Time Oklahoma, 1909 . Eleven-year-old Oli...