Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday Bookish Resolutions

Today is the beginning of Top Ten Tuesday being sponsored by Artsy Reader Girl's blog. I have really enjoyed The Broke and the Bookish's Tuesday topics, and will miss them.

Today's topic is bookish resolutions. I really don't have bookish resolutions, except maybe to out read Carrie from Reading is My Superpower, which will never happen. Hence why her blog title is Reading is My Superpower! So, attempting to come up with a ten resolutions hasn't been easy. Thankfully this is one of those times, Google comes in handy.

1. In 2017 I read a few books by new to me authors, a couple were debuts, and this year I am resolving to read more books by Sarah Monzon, Chautona Havig, Kara Swanson and Nicole Deese.

2. As much as I try not to overbook myself for reviews in the last year it has happened more frequently than I like. So, one of my resolutions will be to check my calendar before I choose dates for new review books.

3. Along with number two, lessening on how many books I request to review so I don't get overwhelmed and can stay on track.

4. This one is going to be hard, oh so hard. Until I read all the books on my TBR, including my Kindle, I am going to do my best to not purchase any new ones. We'll see how long this lasts.

5. Set a couple of hours in the afternoon to read. I normally read at night, but I know I could knock out some review books sooner than I do if I did.

6. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but read a non-fiction book that isn't self-help. I am not a fan of non-fiction. Every time I pick one up I feel like I'm back in high school or college, and the book becomes a chore.

7. To continue and utilize the schedule feature on my blog so that I don't get behind.

8. Not to be bound by the number on my reading challenge. It's about quality and enjoyment not quantity.

Do you have any resolutions? Let me know yours in the comments.


MeezCarrie said...

#8 is so key! It's not important how fast or how much you read - just that you're reading and loving it :)

Andi said...

Yes, my friend!!

Chautona said...

Aw... I'm honored to be included. I hope you enjoy all of your reads this year--may every one bless you in ways the author hoped and didn't know to hope would!

Unknown said...

Great goals for this year! I have some similar ones.

Andi said...

I’m glad! I’m just sorry I didn’t discover you sooner.

Andi said...

Thanks! We Florida peeps have to stick together!

Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate Reviewed

About the book: Title: Shelterwood Author: Lisa Wingate  Genre: Christian Historical Fiction, Dual-Time Oklahoma, 1909 . Eleven-year-old Oli...