Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday

It's weird, I've been blogging for so long it's hard to think of new things to put on my blog. I thought for Top Ten Tuesday this week I'd reach back into the archives and list my top ten favorite debuts that I've done over the years.

DRUM ROLL . . . . . .

In no particular order . . .

I remember when I received this book in the mail it was in manuscript form and I emailed Bonnie Calhoun who owned Christian Fiction Blog Alliance at the time so worried that someone made a mistake and I wasn't supposed to receive the book in that format. Thinking about it now still makes me giggle.


Julie, Julie, Julie! I received this book when I began my going through my divorce. This book showed me that I could be pure whether I got married or not. It also showed me how inspirational fiction can minister to a hurting heart.


This book introduced me to a great author who I am blessed to still read her books today.


Tender Grace hit really close to home for me. I was blogging with Christian Fiction Blog Alliance at the time and my review won the monthly award.


My winning review HERE

This is not Tosca's debut. I was introduced to Tosca when I read the Mortal's series she wrote with Ted Dekker. However, reading this book led me to read her debut, Demon; A Memoir.


Laura has become a true favorite author and a dear friend. I love her historical romances and this one is a favorite.


Jill's books introduced me to biblical fiction and I've been a huge fan ever since. While I have loved every book that she has written, her Wives of King David have to be my all time favorites.


When I started reading Christian fiction as an adult the first books I read were Frank Peretti's This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness. I found James to be a lot like him in that regard. I have read everything to date and they just get better!


Being a Navy brat, Ronie and I have something in common, and this book was so militarily intriguing that I was sucked into the series and have enjoyed her books since.


Kellie is from Idaho, and I didn't know that until I was asked to review this book. This book just wrenched my heart. I was thrilled when I was able to meet Kellie at a book signing here in Idaho and have her autograph my copy. Since then I've met her again and all of my books of hers are signed.

Here I am with Kellie, at Barnes and Noble in Boise this last summer launching her latest, at the time, book What Matter's Most. Her new book Sisters (Sun Valley Series BK1) has just released.

Hope you enjoyed my look back in time, and that you found a new book or two to read.

Happy Tuesday, and as always mark your place and keep reading!


Julie Lessman said...

ANDI!!! You never fail to bless me, my sweet friend, so THANK YOU!! Not only for putting me on your top list, but for your precious friendship. I am blessed to know you!!

Hugs and more hugs!

Caryl Kane said...

ANDI, this is an awesome list! I've added a few more to my TBR list. ;)

Laura Frantz said...

Andi, You said so beautifully right at the top of this post what your ministry is. You are a light & such a bright one! Im so thankful for you & all you do. 💛

Andi said...

Thanks for that Laura. I just changed the heading on my blog and I decided to put my mission statement there because I want everyone to know what I stand for. 💗💜

Andi said...

I'm glad that you found some new books!

Andi said...

I am so thrilled that I blessed you, because you do that with every book you write. Hugs and more hugs!!

Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate Reviewed

About the book: Title: Shelterwood Author: Lisa Wingate  Genre: Christian Historical Fiction, Dual-Time Oklahoma, 1909 . Eleven-year-old Oli...