Wednesday, April 3, 2013

30 Things About Me Day - Day 9 - 10 People Who Have Influenced Me And How

Day 9 - 10 People Who Have Influenced Me and How . . .

I don't know that I have 10 . . .

1.  Jesus, He came to earth, as a human, knowing the entire time that He would die a torturous death, to give me eternal life. His influence in my life is to be someone that is loving, kind, shows mercy and grace.

2.  My Mom, she walks out her faith daily. I want my life to be seen like that.

3.  My Dad, there is so much to say about him, I don't know that there is just one way that he has influenced me. He taught me to be a strong woman, didn't want me to depend on a man to get by, he was in the navy for 30+ years. I watched how he dealt with people and learned good people skills through him.

4.  Robbie Durban, when I arrived here in Nampa, ID I was broken and wounded, yet I didn't realize how bad I was. Through Divorce Care Recovery, and her TLC I became whole again. I didn't want to go to Divorce Care Recovery, I believed that since my ex-husband was in North Carolina and I was here, I was fine. I found out differently, I wasn't fine. She loved me, helped me heal, showing me that I could forgive my ex, God would bring it around in time, and He did. When it happened I had never felt more free in my life.

5.  My husband Mark. He has such a gentle way about him that is so calming to his spunky Italian wife. He can sense when I am getting agitated about something that is utterly ridiculous and he will either do something funny or just say grace babe. That usually takes me right out of it.

6.  My Grandad, he was such a man of God, and just loved me to pieces. I can still picture his gingerbread house, that had beautiful roses out in front. He always flew the flag, never missed a day, he received an award for doing that. I remember holding his hand and walking back to his garden to pick tomato's and strawberries. He was a barber, owned his own shop.

7.  I am going to clump these all together. The Christian authors I review for . . . they are such a blessing in my life. Not only do I get to read great books, they are so humble, don't expect some glowing review, would be happy with "I liked it" :) Their humility, and graciousness is something I have definitely learned.

8.  Me. I know sounds weird huh? I have influenced myself, there is no way in a million years would I have believed that I would have 1. Accepted a diagnosis of epilepsy, and not driving. That is freedom. If there is one thing I love it is driving, windows down, music up! Yet I have not only accepted my disorder, I use it to minister to others. 2. Divorce. When I got married it was for life! I had no plans of divorcing my former husband. I loved him. However, finding out about his adultery and realizing that he was abusing me and my kids, showed me that I needed to get out. Doing that made me the healthiest I have been in years! Physically, mentally, and spiritually.
3. With the divorce I moved to Idaho from Hampton Roads, Virginia. I went from the beach area to a snow state. Crazy  . . . huh? However, I met my husband, and I am happier than I have ever been in my entire adult life.
Stepping out on faith and doing what seems like the complete impossible gives God the ability to work amazing things out in our live and make us stronger. The strength that I have gained in the last four years can't be broken.

I don't have 10 . . . I do have a strong 8.

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