Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday Encouragement # 6

Happy Fri-Yay Eve! I've teamed up with some blogging buddies to bring you some encouragement to finish out the work week. We hope that each of our post's is encouraging to your heart.

Last week I was attempting to decompress from two days in a criminal courtroom. My husband and I went to support his mother as she needed to be there. I chose the word Trust as a starting point today because interestingly the defense attorney opened his opening statements with the word trust.

He said "You've just heard the prosecution tell you about the defendant and what he did. I'm going to ask you to trust me that I will show you that the defendant didn't commit the crimes he's charged with. You probably won't like the defendant after you hear everything but you not liking him doesn't make him guilty."

I thought the use of Trust was a weird word to use considering the rest of his statement. It also made me think of who and what do I trust.

Psalm 118:8 It is better to take refuge in the Lord
Than to trust in man. NASB

When I think of trust I think of my faith in God, my marriage, relationship's with our children, grandchildren, my friends, etc. . . 

This verse makes me ask myself who am I taking refuge in. Am I taking refuge in my husband instead of God. Even as far as to ask myself if I trust my doctor's with regards to my health instead of God. 

I think it's easy in our humanness to look to people we can see, touch, and physically hear instead of God. I want to be so in-tune with Him that I have to listen really hard to hear others. That is my heart's desire. 

What about you? 

Now, it's your turn . . . Let me know what you think in  the comments and then go visit my friends.

Then go visit my friends for more Thursday encouragement.

Trisha @ Joy of Reading

Nicole @ Christian Fiction Girl 

Jacquelyn @ Heavenly Home 

Jessica @ A Baker's Perspective

Becca @ The Becca Files

Gina @ Stories by Gina 

Rebecca @ Rev. Rebecca Writes


Melissa W said...

Thanks for sharing that verse! It's sad how little we can trust people sometimes...but what a comfort that God is always true to His word!

Jacquelyn said...

You bring up a great point about trust. Who are we putting our trust in? And why? Thought-provoking!

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