Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Favorite Characters From My Childhood

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! I had my post all written about villain characters and then I realized a few of them would give away plot in some new releases so I scrapped them and am starting over. Figuring out my top ten favorite childhood character's was a lot easier, too!

ONE - Ramona Quimby from Ramona the Pest by Beverly Clearly. She was my buddy!

TWO - Fern from Charlotte's Web. I lived in the suburbs and I loved it when we went out to our friend's farm in the country. I envied Fern.

THREE - How could you not love Stuart Little? He was this fun little mouse that just got himself into all kinds of trouble!

FOUR - Ralph, I believed was Stuart's cousin because he got himself into just as much trouble!

FIVE - Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. I just wanted her to punch Nellie in the nose for being so mean to her. She was really the true all American girl!

SIX - I remember reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at night under the covers with a flashlight. Aslan was courageous, brave, and would do anything for anyone. It took me awhile for my childhood brain to figure out who he mirrored. But once I did God had me lock, stock and barrel!

SEVEN - I read A Wrinkle in Time shortly after The Chronicles of Narnia and Meg quickly became a favored character.

EIGHT - I think every coming of age girl in the 70's read this book. I loved Margaret and could relate to the story.

NINE - Ann with an E was sassy, snarky, smart, and a bookworm.

TEN - My first ugly cry book. Billy, Dan and Little Ann are characters that made a huge impression on me as a young 5th grader in Colorado.

What are your favorite character's from your childhood? Do we share some of the same one's? Let me know in the comments.

1 comment:

Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate Reviewed

About the book: Title: Shelterwood Author: Lisa Wingate  Genre: Christian Historical Fiction, Dual-Time Oklahoma, 1909 . Eleven-year-old Oli...