Sunday, January 6, 2019

Favorite Non-Fiction of 2018

I am not a non-fiction fan so I don't read much if any of it. But, when I was looking back at all the books from 2018 the two non-fiction books that I used were Bible studies and I loved doing them. They were more than just a Bible study, each had an element of creativity. In verse mapping Acts I didn't feel the pressure to complete something every day which gave me the desire to work on it. With 100 Days of Bible Promises the creativity was what drew me to each day.

 Do you want to do more than just read Scripture? Do you want to research and apply what you learn to your life today?  In the Verse-Mapping Bible Study Series, Kristy Cambron shares how this method of studying the Bible revolutionized her time with God and how it can do the same for you.
In each of the six-sessions of Acts: Feasting on the Abundance of God's Word, she provides practical examples on how to take the first steps in verse mapping and learn how to explore the Bible like never before, and customize your Bible study time for a deeper and more authentic walk with God.

Below is my first verse map in the Acts study.

Ms. Cambron created a verse mapping video giving the basics of verse mapping.

In her devotional journal, 100 Days of Bible Promises, author Shanna Noel prompts you to dive into God's unwavering truth, with topics such as freedom, comfort, grace, and gratitude.  For 100 days, you'll receive a featured Scripture, devotion, prayer, along with space for doodling, journaling, writing notes, or any other forms of creative expression.  Take time to listen to the whispering voice of God, pray and reflect on His steadfast promises and allow Him to change your life.  God's promises are power for living!  Soft touch flexible latex board; notebook binding; 208 pages

If you are looking for a Bible study for the new year, I recommend both of these. Verse Mapping has a Luke study and there is 100 Days of Grace and Gratitude. Both are a go at your own pace and will fit in with a busy schedule. 

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