Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Gobble, Gobble, Holiday Themed Favorites

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is in three days? Me either! It seems like summer just ended and football season started. I'm definitely not in the festive holiday spirit. Maybe it's because we haven't had snow yet, and believe me I'm not asking for it, but I definitely need something to help encourage the holiday spirit along.

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is a Thanksgiving freebie and if I listed all the books that I'm thankful for this post would go on for a full year. I decided I'd focus on favorite books with a holiday theme.

I'm not a huge fan of Christmas themed books. Yes, I'm ducking now! For me, outside of this year, I'm usually fed up with Christmas music, movies, commercials, storefront displays that the last thing I want is to read about Christmas. I know, I'm a Humbug. Not really.

With that said, these are some of my absolute favorite Christmas themed books.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! If you are traveling to see family and friends be safe.



Julie Lessman said...

ANDI!!! Thank you, thank you, my sweet friend, for including A Light in the Window on your list. I sooooo appreciate you!!

Hugs and more hugs and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Andi said...

JULIE!!!! Welcome, welcome, my dear friend! I still can't figure out why my review is not on my blog but on Goodreads. I must fix that!

Hugs, and more Hugs!! Happy Turkey Day!

MeezCarrie said...

i love Christmas books! :)

Andi said...

I do too! The animal ones are the best!!

Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate Reviewed

About the book: Title: Shelterwood Author: Lisa Wingate  Genre: Christian Historical Fiction, Dual-Time Oklahoma, 1909 . Eleven-year-old Oli...