Monday, August 13, 2018

Oh, the Places You Can Go! Favorite Bookish Websites

It's Tuesday, which means it's time for Top Ten Tuesday. Today's topic is favorite bookish websites and blogs. I have a post of my favorite blogs, you can read it here. Today I am going to give you favorite bookish places I love to hangout on the web.

1. Goodreads is a place of all things bookish. I enjoy seeing what others are reading, and seeing if they've enjoyed the same books I have or am.

2. I love Pinterest because so many authors make boards with their book characters, settings, and other fun things that go with their novels.

3. Julie Lessman's Journal Jots, has fun information about her books, upcoming releases and giveaways. And her weekly blog post is always full of fun and inspiration.

4. Bethany House Fiction  is a great place for both authors and readers to connect. Plus it gives readers an inside look at the publishing side of books.

5. Overdrive is my library website and one I visit often, mainly to see if new releases of favored authors are there and if they aren't I request them. It's an easy way for me to support authors.

6. Seekerville is a blog that has authors, and bloggers talking about all things bookish.

7. BookBub has discounted ebooks. It's a free email subscription where you'll get notified about both free and hugely discounted ebooks.

8. Book Riot is one I follow on Instagram and they have great lists, and all things book related.

9. If you've been around the blogging world for any length of time I'm sure you've heard of the website Netgalley. As a blogger and reviewer this has to be the most dangerous place for me. I can request books before release the trick is to remember to post the review on Netgalley.

10. Instagram has really inspired my creativity with book photos and introduced me to fellow readers, as well as new books to read.

What are your favorite bookish websites?


MeezCarrie said...

LOVE the title for your post! great recs too!

Andi said...

Why thank you sweet friend! It was a lot of fun putting together! You’re on my favorite bloggers list that I linked in the post. *Muah*

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