Monday, July 30, 2018

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise . . . Books That Surprised Me!

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is Books That Lived Up to the Hype. I'm putting my own little spin on that.

Books don't usually surprise me, especially when I read books by favored authors. However, these books floored me!

I read Amy Sorrells first book How Sweet the Sound in 2014. I just loved the book. Her recent release Before I Saw You, was not something I was prepared for emotionally and it both encouraged my heart and tore it apart. Books like this one are what I lovingly refer to as an experience of the heart, mind, and soul.

I have not yet finished the latest installment of the Tox Files. I'm only half-way but, I have already been surprised more than once and I see more surprises on the horizon.

This beauty releases today. Go grab your copy, NOW!!

To get your copy click HERE.

I believe I've read all of James Rubart's books and yet the themes in this book still speak to me. The main theme is how Mr. Rubart uses the return of the prodigal son parable to show how the father just welcomed him home not even mentioning his sin, and our Heavenly Father does the same, which still comforts and baffles me.

Katie Ganshert's 2018 release, No One Ever Asked was one emotional experience that confirmed how I've been feeling about race relations in our nation for years.

Julie Cantrell's use of gardening and flowers as symbols in Perennials was one I will not forget. Especially the way she wrapped healing like a beautiful ribbon around them.

In The Heart Between Us I was not prepared for a story wrapped around a heart transplant, travel, and sister rivalry. All of it surprised me. And I loved this book!

Liz Tolsma's 2018 release The Melody of the Soul is the first book in a long time I dreamt about. I had active dreams of myself being chased by Nazi soldiers and woke up out of breath and scared. Talk about being surprised!

This was the first book I read of Ms. Monzon's and I wasn't sure I'd like it. I'm not exactly sure why I didn't think I'd like it. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I loved the book! 

Where Hope Begins was an emotional roller coaster of emotions. For me, as someone who got a divorce because of my husband's infidelity I was bawling. Ms. West got the emotions on point. After crying both happy and sad tears I was surprised at how emotional I got reading the book.

Sons of Blackbird Mountain is a book that I knew I'd really like, however, I was so curious to see how Ms. Bischof would create a deaf character within the pages of a book. And, WOW, just WOW! Completely surprised!!!


Unknown said...

I love this post. I agree with many of these books surprised me a whole lot more than I expected them to.

Andi said...

Thanks! Isn’t it great when they do?! I love being surprised. It does kinda throw ya off a bit though.

MJSH said...

All these books I’ve either read already and LOVED them or have them on my bookshelf to read real cool to have books I love being endorsed by others ;)

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