Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Blogger Rant . . . Dove AD

I wrote this post yesterday, but for some crazy reason the post got all wacky so, I decided to take it down and rewrite it today. Sorry about that.

On Monday, the picture above was spread throughout social media. I saw it first on Facebook, and then on Twitter. If you are unfamiliar, this was part of a three sec. spot promoting Dove's new body wash. They ended up removing it because it appeared to be racist.

When I saw the picture on Facebook what really annoyed me were the comments I read underneath the picture. Here are a few . . . "here they go again pulling the race card, completely ridiculous, people are horrified at the ad, we need to go back to a time when the US wasn't over-run by cowards." And, these comments were made by white American women. Those comments upset me so much that I wanted to go through my computer screen and smack the person. I personally think the ad is beautiful, each ethnic woman celebrating her beauty. However, I don't get to decide how another person feels. Lola Ogunyemi, a London born Nigerian woman who was raised in Atlanta says she felt honored to be apart of the ad. Here is her essay on The Guardian.

I don't know why Dove chose this method to advertise their new body wash, I do know that racial prejudice is real, and so is white American privilege. I honestly didn't notice the racial divide or American white privilege until I lived in Hampton Roads, Virginia for seven long years. It was beyond clear, and blatantly obvious. 

In 2014, 12-year-old, Tamir Rice was shot by a police officer in Cleveland, Ohio. This young man was playing at a park, and the officer to this day has not been held accountable for his actions. This shooting and others like it, spurred the sitting of Collin Kaepernick and now the kneeling of the NFL players in silent protest against the unfair treatment of our colored brother and sisters.

I have two dear author friends who have each adopted a precious little girl, one from Africa, the other from China. I cannot even imagine the fear their mama hearts may go through if their little girl is out of their sight given the recent events. You see, I didn't have a thought like that or those fears, why? Because I am a white American woman, as are my children. I think it's easy to get caught up in our day to day lives and not think twice about what other people are going through, or try to look at it from a different perspective. Like I said above, I think the ad is beautiful, but it isn't about me.

Since my original post got messed up knowing I was going to rewrite this I was again reminded of Mark 12:31, You shall love your neighbor as yourself, there is no other commandment greater than these. I have come to realize that you can't giveaway what you don't have. Meaning, if you don't love yourself how can you love someone else. Sadly we can't. This is truly a heart issue, it starts on the inside and when complete we can give it to others.

Katie Ganshert, I am dedicating this post to you and sweet Salima. My heart has always had a tender spot for our colored brothers and sisters. However, it has become more so since meeting you, hearing your heart as a mama to precious, Salima. I believe it is our interaction with others, desiring to learn and understand that gives us a new perspective. And for that I thank you!


Cafinated-Reads Molly said...

I absolutely love this post! I have never seen skin color and all these "racial" comments people make simply because of an ad or a statement, or something that has happened absolutely breaks my heart. I see the world the way God does....we are all His children and loved by Him no matter what our skin color! <3 Thank you for this post.

Andi said...

Thanks, Molly! I never really paid attention to skin color until I was forced to in Virginia. And by forced I mean the Navy putting black families on one side of the street, white on the other. A hostess ignoring my white friend who was holding her biracial baby, a man at the end of our street saying he’d no more look at a black man than shoot him. It was beyond awful and my heart just aches remembering those horrors. I long for a time when we live in peace and love with everyone. <3

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