Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Can't Wait Wednesday

My 2018 TBR list is getting quite long and we have four more months left til Christmas. I'm a huge Sarah Sundin fan, and this book has definitely caught my attention. Plus, the cover is so pretty!

About the book:

In 1944, American naval officer Lt. Wyatt Paxton arrives in London to prepare for the Allied invasion of France. He works closely with Dorothy Fairfax, a "Wren" in the Women's Royal Naval Service. Dorothy pieces together reconnaissance photographs with thousands of holiday snapshots of France--including those of her own family's summer home--in order to create accurate maps of Normandy. Maps that Wyatt will turn into naval bombardment plans.
As the two spend concentrated time together in the pressure cooker of war, their deepening friendship threatens to turn to love. Dorothy must resist its pull. Her bereaved father depends on her, and her heart already belongs to another man. Wyatt too has much to lose. The closer he gets to Dorothy, the more he fears his efforts to win the war will destroy everything she has ever loved.
The tense days leading up to the monumental D-Day landing blaze to life under Sarah Sundin's practiced pen with this powerful new series.


Lynne Feuerstein said...

Thanks for this post Andi! Can't wait for Sarah Sundin's The Sea Before Us either! She's one of my favorite authors and I'm sure that this newest story will rank among her best!

Sarah Sundin said...

Thank you, Andi! I'm honored that you're looking forward to this story. And thank you for the feature!

Andi said...

Welcome my friend! I have no doubt it will be stellar just like her other books!

Andi said...

You are very welcome, Sarah! I'm not the only one, my parents are too! They also ask me about your books.

Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate Reviewed

About the book: Title: Shelterwood Author: Lisa Wingate  Genre: Christian Historical Fiction, Dual-Time Oklahoma, 1909 . Eleven-year-old Oli...